✿ author's note

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why does Bloom include poems about sexual violence?

Sexual violence is difficult to talk about in the United States, because our society is plagued by rape culture–a toxic environment characterized by slut-shaming, victim-blaming, patriarchal definitions of masculinity and femininity, etc.

Survivors like me often are silenced by this culture (as well as fears of compromised safety and re-traumatization). Not only are we silenced by others, but we're also silenced by the legal system; 1 in 6 women and 1 in 33 men have been victims of rape or attemped rape, yet only .007% of rapes cases result in criminal conviction and even less eventuate jail time.

Through writing poems about sexual violence, I hope to give a voice to the voiceless–to bring awareness, comfort, and validation to my fellow survivors. My heart swells for those who have found the courage to speak up about their sexual assaults (as well as those who are unable or unready to speak up). You are survivors and you will heal, slowly but surely. ❁

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