Colors of Love

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I look around me, hoping to find him in the crowd.
My love.
The one who has the same color as me.
I look around me at the couples who smile at each other.
They share the same color now, both seeming like lava lamps as the colors of red and pink switch fluidly between the two.
I see people with shades of blue turn red or pink when they find their love.
But what is love; true love?
I have tinted a shade of red before of so many times.
But my person of interest always turns away at my odd colors.
While people are solid colors, I am two.
The two colors swirls within me in harmony, both wanting to feel love.
I am purple and yellow.
But my love likes neither of the colors.
And so once again, I try to make the tint of red vanish as I know I'm going to get hurt once again.

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