Ch. 1: Hell is Meant for One...

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Something was wrong...

Evan stared out into the green fields as he felt something He didn't remember how he got there or...what was going on. His whole body ached...he reached to his face, where he felt was bleeding all over. Thunder roared, lightning flashed across the sky, giving off a blinding white glow. Seeing that light...made something in Evan's mind...snap.

"Evan i swear!" she chuckled. "You're gonna get us pulled over!" Evan laughed. "Ok ok, i'll stop." She kicked up her feet on the dashboard. "So," she said. "Where are we going?" Evan looked over at the girl. Everything dark...he couldn't see her face completely, but somehow...he knew her...

"Anywhere but here," Evan said. He reached out his hand and took the girl's hand in his. "I'd go anywhere but where we long as i have you..." he smiled as she squeezed his hand. "Same here," she said. He couldn't see it, but it felt like she smiled as she said that. Then...she looked out the windshield, and she looked...stunned...frozen... "EVAN, LOOK OUT!!" She screamed. Evan bolted his head around only to see a blinding light...

The sound of someone screaming his name made him snap back into reality. "EVAN!!" Evan slowly turned around, only to see another guy, around his age, bleeding as much as he felt like he was. Around him were a couple of other guys, looked like they were high and wasted as all hell. "Get your fucking head out of the clouds, and fight me you little bitch!!" The guy exclaimed. Evan looked at the guy, looking tired.. almost bored. "Who are you?" The guy scoffed and looked around him, as if he was to say, "Is this guy serious??"

"I'm the guy you've been fighting for the past half an hour!!" Evan continued to stare at him with a blank face, and finally asked with a bored tone, "No, what i meant was, what's your name?" Again, the guy looked around. "Are you serious right now??" The guy scoffed. "It's Marcus, happy now?!" Evan clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white. "...yes..." Evan replied, his eyes changing color. Marcus looked slightly confused, but he didn't care. A fight is a fight, and that's all that matters.

Marcus lunged towards Evan, trying to throw a punch, but Evan quickly dodged, and slammed his foot on the back of Marcus's knee. Marcus collapsed, yelling in pain. "YOU SON OF A BITCH!!" Marcus screamed. "Get up!" Evan taunted, circling Marcus. Marcus slowly raised himself up from the cold ground. Sweat dripped from this nose, and he spit out blood, letting it splatter on the dirt. Evan smirked. Marcus lunged at Evan again, but this time, falling in front of Evan's feet. Still holding the same smirk, Evan pulled out a short blade from his jean pocket, and laced the cold blade around his fingers. Pushing the blade against his hands, he let blood drip from in between his fingers. " good," he thought. "Still sharp." He grabbed marcus's hair, and lifted it up to where he could see his bloody and broken face. He whispered in Marcus's ear, "Hell is meant for one..."

Evan thrusted the blade into Marcus's stomach. Marcus gagged, blood pouring out of his mouth. Evan continued to stab Marcus with the knife, over and over and over... Marcus choked on his own blood, trying to gasp for air, begging for Evan to stop... but Evan didn't want to. In fact, he couldn't, He couldn't stop himself from stabbing Marcus, he couldn't stop laughing, he just couldn't stop... he had no control of his own body... because what he was doing...wasn't his doing...

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