Ch. 2:

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"Are you fucking kidding me right now?!"

"Hi nana," Evan sighed as he shuffled inside. "It's way past your curfew!! What do you have to say for yourself?!" Evan looked at the clock in the living room. It was a couple minutes after midnight. "Calm down you drama queen, we agreed that i would be home by midnight, remember?" "Exactly!! And it's 12:07!! You said midnight!!" "And it is you crazy bitch!" Evan snapped back. "I didn't say i'd be home at exactly fucking midnight!! Learn to open your goddamn ears you old bat!!" "How dare you use that kind of language with me young man!!" His nana scolded.

Evan, no longer wanting to hear his nana's bullshit, headed upstairs to his room. As he put in his earbuds, his nana's words slowly became more difficult to understand. His music blocked out her nonsense, and he headed for his room upstairs. As he opened the door, he threw his bag across his room and onto the floor. His nana probably yelled at him, but he didn't care.

He threw himself onto his bed, exhausted. He winced in pain, realizing that he was injured, most likely from the fight. Sighing, he went to the bathroom next to his room, and saw hole in his hoodie. "Shit.." he muttered. "Another bullet hole?" Looking in the mirror, he saw a dark figure leaning against the bathroom door. "You could put on a bandaid and call it good," said the figure behind him. "And make you kiss it better?" The figure laughed. "Madilynn, how are you?" Evan said, sarcastically. "I'm fine, but you don't look to hot," she said, walking towards him. Continuously staring at her, he asked, "Why are you here?" "Business," she said. He turned around. "What kind of business?" He asked, folding his arms. Madilynn scoffed. "Private business." "I'm not buying this 'private business' bullshit, just fucking tell me," Evan demanded, turning back around, facing the mirror. Madilynn looked away. Evan scoffed. "Typical...always secrets and lies with you people... always new truths, and old least, that's what my dad used to say..."

Madilynn sighed. "Fine, boss wanted me to...check up on you." "Again?" "Yeah, he knew you were getting into more fights, and he's worried you might..." she paused. Evan turned to face her again. "What? I might what?" Madilynn looked away. "You know he doesn't like it when you get into these kinds of fights..." she said. "He's worried people are gonna know what you are." Evan laughed. "Yeah, right. They all die before they can see the real me." Madilynn looked up at him. "Do you know how much at risk you were with those other people at your last fight?!" Evan took of his hoodie, and rolled up his t-shirt sleeve. "Yeah, but i managed to kill them." "Just barely, you were lucky that they died of their wounds before you lost control."

Evan scoffed. He reached for a pair of tweezers on the rim of the sink, but Madilynn grabbed it from him. "Sit." She pointed to the edge of the tub. Evan rolled his eyes and sat. She dug the tweezers into the hole, he winced. "So...did it happen again?" Evan, trying not to scream in pain, replied, "What??"

She leaned over to look at him in the face. "Did you see...her?" Evan looked away. " Not this time..." he clenched his fists. "...again..." she continued looking at him, looked away and went back to his wound. Silence fell across them.

After several grueling moments trying to get the bullet out of his shoulder, she finally managed to rip it out. "Damnit!" He cried. Madilynn walked over to the sink's drawer and pulled out a needle and thread. Evan sighed. Madilynn smiled. "You love torturing me, don't you?" Evan asked. Madilynn laughed. "You know me way too well." She placed them down and reached for the bathroom's cabinet door, and pulled out a bottle of peroxide. Evan winced. "Do we have to do that?" He whined. "Unless you want your arm amputated, then i suggest we do," Madilynn joked. Evan sighed. "Fine, let's get this shit over with."

The same silence crept over them. "What was she like?" Madilynn asked, opening the bottle disinfectant. "Who?" "Your...girlfriend...what was she like...?" He looked away, tightening his fists. "If you don't want to talk about it-" "...she was perfect..." Evan blurted. "She was my light in the darkness...the..." He choked back tears. "...the only thing right in this hellhole... we...we were planning on leaving...that day she..." Madilynn placed her hand on his back. He looked up at her, tears streaming down his face. He looked down. "...the day she died...we were planning on leaving this place for good...have a fresh start somewhere...somewhere far from here..." She sat next to him, leaving her hand on his back. "I...i'm so sorry, Evan..."

Evan wiped away the tears. "Yeah well.. it's in the past.. there's nothing i can do about it now..." She got up, placing the rag below the wound, and hovering the bottle over it. "You ready?" "Go fucking crazy," Evan sighed. "Ok...on the count of three... one... two... three!" She poured the disinfectant onto the wound, letting it seep into the hole in his shoulder. Evan held back his painful scream, keeping it locked in his throat. "GOD FUCKING DAMNIT...!!" He yelped through his teeth. "I'm sorry!" Madilynn cried. "I...i know it hurts...but we have to do this!" Evan gripped his fists to the point his nails were digging into his palms.

"EVAN!!" called his nana. "WHAT IN GOD'S NAME ARE YOU BITCHING ABOUT THIS TIME?!" Evan ignored her. "Shitshitshitshitshit...!" He cried. "What?? What's wrong??" Madilynn asked. Evan looked at her, dead in the face. "You have to get out of here, now." "W.. what...?" "GO, NOW!" Evan frantically yelled. Madilynn backed up. "...alright...I'm going..." she said, headed towards the bathroom window. He grabbed a dry rag and placed it on his wound. Halfway out, she looked back at Evan, and asked, "You gonna be ok?" He looked up at her again, and smiled. "I'll be fine, you just go." "Alright," she said. "Catch you on the flip side." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2018 ⏰

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