Piss off Kaley.

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Natalee and Noah walked down the trail that headed towards her dorm. Natalee's hair strand that had been tucked behind her ear fell right in front of her eyes. Natalee laughed and tried to blow it away. Noah noticed it and smiled. He took it and tucked it back behind her ear. Heat rose to Natalee's cheeks. As soon as Noah started to lean in, suddenly, Nathan appeared behind Noah. He pulled him away. "Hey bro lets go play football." Nathan said, as if he was trying to interrupt their almost-kiss. Natalee groaned as Noah laughed. Noah looked at Natalee. "Wanna come?" He asked her with the smile that would literally make your heart melt. Natalee instantly blushed. Nathan rolled his eyes. Natalee ignored him, but she thought, why would he even care, he's dating Kaley. "Of course I'll come!" Natalee said excitedly. Noah grinned. Natalee's eyes shined. Nathan grabbed a stick like thing and swung it around, then Natalee, Noah, and Nathan appeared at a football field, everyone was there but the Dean. Kaley looked at Natalee with a glare. Natalee just rolled her eyes and noticed her still smudged makeup. Noah took Natalee's hand and pointed at Blair. "Hey I'll be back and you can sit with Blair." Noah said as he ran towards the benches and put on his helmet and gear with Nathan and Jacob. Natalee smiled at him and slowly made her way towards Blair. Blair was sitting on the bleachers, she looked very bored that she couldn't be involved with the game. "Hey." Natalee smiled at her. "Hey.." Blair continued, "I wanna play but, Nathan gets pissed every time. I just wanna cheer them on but I'm way too shy haha." Blair said laughing. "Come on, let's go cheer for them." Natalee smiled. She had been a cheerleader in her high school before, until she changed schools. Natalee and Blair went down to where there was a little track spot. Natalee looked at Blair and smiled. "Come on Noah you can do it if you put your heart into it, ooh ahhh ooh ooh ahhh." Natalee sang as she slid to the side softly and clapping in rhythm. Blair and Natalee sang it over and over again while smiling. "Come on Nathan your better!!" Kaley tried to yell but had a terrible voice crack. Then Noah took the ball. After Kaley blew the whistle Noah juked out Nathan and Jacob, and started running to the touch down area, when he looked at Natalee cheering and smiled at her. Suddenly Nathan got faster and got aggressive, he threw Noah to the ground very hard. Noah laid there, as if he was hurt. Natalee started running towards Noah with Blair. Natalee fell to her knees when she got to Noah. "Noah are you okay!" She yelled. "What is your problem Nathan!!" Blair screamed at Nathan. Natalee helped Noah up and he limped a little. "Dude that was not cool." Noah told Nathan as Natalee helped him walk off. Kaley ran to Nathan. "Good job babe you won!" She smiled. "Piss off Kaley." Nathan told her. She seemed very hurt and scoffed, she walked away. As Natalee and Noah walked, Noah smiled at her. "You know, you're a great cheerleader, and thanks, for helping me." He told her. "No, it's my pleasure." She responded smiling as she reached his dorm. "Hey so, I'm sorry that Nathan interrupted us before." Noah told Natalee. "No it's fine." She smiled at him. "Would you want me to kiss you? I wanna make sure you're comfortable because I don't wanna ruin what I think this is." Noah said. Natalee smiled at him and closed her eyes slowly. Then she pulled him in and kissed him. Luckily, Noah kissed back while gently wrapping his arms around her. After the kids ended Natalee smiled a lot. At this point it was getting dark, dinner would be soon and Natalee had to get a few things at her dorm, so she walked off into the direction of her dorm. After she had finally gotten to her dorm, she started to write in her journals. Her journal entry always was written in, no matter what since she was in so much pain and she had to get rid of it somehow. She wrote, Hey, I'm sorry I haven't written in you for a bit. I've been doing good, I love this new school. And a boy here, but I just think it would be better if you were here mom. Love you.. Natalee had always written in it for when she'd see her mom and give it to her. She always said at 50 her mom would receive her journal. The only one who had read it was Jacob, but Natalee allowed him to because she trusted him. Natalee shut her journal and slid it under her mattress. Then, Natalee changed and did her hair. (Up top) Natalee had then opened her door and stepped out of her dorm. Thinking if Noah would still like her or not. Natalee rubbed her arm trying to give it warmth from freezing. Then, she was pushed to the floor and scraped her knee to where it was bleeding but she couldn't tell. Natalee turned to see who it was, and she was greeted with Kaley's terrible smile. Natalee got up and kept walking to the dinner building, tears forming in her eyes threatening to spill. Natalee got to the dinner building and slowly pulled the door open, as she did her tears spilled. Natalee walked inside and wiped her eyes, her make up smudging a little, and her eyes red as a tomato. Well, over exaggerating, more like a little red but it looks very red. Natalee walked towards the table and saw two seats. One between Noah and Nathan, and one between Blair and Noah. Natalee decided she didn't wanna deal with Kaley any more today and sat by Noah and Blair. Noah looked at Natalee. "Why are you crying.."

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