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walking bare-foot has always been something. but you don't just walk barefoot, to the point where you skin ghosts across any surface- rock, glass, stone, tile, you walk with your feelings raw on your feet.

you walk with your feelings raw on your feet and that's why it stings so badly in your chest every time you find a cactus needle or a rock embedded deep into your skin. you put your feelings out into the world with nothing expected bad. so, the world puts obstacles in your way.

rocks, needles, pinpricks that make you hiss and tears curl at the edge of your eyes.

so, you take habit to walking with your heels raised so that it doesn't hurt as much. There's been too many rocks and bees stick to the heel of your foot and you don't take the pain anymore.

you don't walk with your feelings raw on your feet anymore. 

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