My Idiot

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It's probably no secret by now that pink milk is a staple in Arthit's life.

It would classify as a crime to know Arthit as a friend, but not know what his favorite drink is. Something like that.

Arthit's all smiles when he reaches his desk that morning and finds a cup of his favorite drink sitting on it. In return, Arthit places a Ziploc bag containing sandwiches on Kongpob's desk. He places his bag in the bottom drawer and sinks down in his chair, stretching his legs out comfortably. It's nice being earlier than everyone else since it gives Arthit time to enjoy the peace before it starts getting hectic and noisy (especially after Bright reaches).

How is it that one individual can make so much damn noise every single day?

''Morning, p'Arthit.'' Kongpob dangles a cup of pink milk in front of his boyfriend's face.

Arthit points to the drink that's sitting on his desk, confusion marring his features, ''Why did you buy me another cup? I'm really going to get diabetes at this rate.''

Kongpob shifts his gaze to where his boyfriend's pointing, forehead creasing slightly, ''I didn't buy that for you, p'.''

One of their senior colleagues enters the area and stops at Arthit's desk, ''Oh, n'Arthit, I nearly forgot. Someone from the BD department bought that drink for you as thanks for helping out with the new program launch yesterday.''

''Ah, got it. Thanks, P'Tay.''

''Wait.'' Kongpob picks the drink up from the desk and replaces it with the one he had bought instead.

Arthit scrunches his face up, ''Why can't I drink both? It's the same drink!''

Kongpob perches himself against the edge of the male's desk and lifts an eyebrow in a questioning manner, ''You have to choose, p'. Are you going to drink the pink milk that some stranger bought or are you going to drink mine?'' He's teasing Arthit as per usual, wanting to see how he'd react to such a question.

''Of course...'' Arthit picks the one that Kongpob had bought and brings the straw to his lips. ''...I'm going to drink the one my boyfriend bought for me. Pfft, why even bother asking such a dumb question?''

The answer brings about a dopey smile on Kongpob's lips, especially at the use of the word 'boyfriend'. See? This is how Arthit effortlessly steals his heart every single time. Or Kongpob's just a complete idiot when it comes to the older male. Perhaps a little bit of both.

("No, dear. It's because you're an idiot." Cupid comments uselessly.)

Arthit holds the straw up, ''Want a taste?''

Kongpob shakes his head and lifts the extra cup up. ''Nope, I'm going to drink this one. You shouldn't accept gifts from strangers, p'Arthit.'' Then, he purposely mouths the words against his boyfriend's ear in a teasing tone, ''Because you're mine now.''

It should be cringy and hair-raising, but why does Arthit like it so much when it comes from Kongpob? Only his boyfriend could say such toe-curling words with a straight face. Arthit, on the other hand, can't hide his embarrassment even if he wants to. Damn Kongpob and his fucking smooth lines.

Kongpob brushes the pad of his thumb against the curve of Arthit's ear, instantly making his boyfriend squirm in his seat at the ticklish sensation, ''You're so cute when you get all shy, p'. Especially when your ears are all red.''

''You're the reason why they're red, idiot.''

''Why is it that the first thing I see when I come in is the both of you flirting? My eyes are suffering from diabetes. It physically hurts me to look at you two.''

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