Chapter 5: Come Monday

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The upcoming weekend was agonizing. For the first time in years, Emma Swan just wanted to get back to school. That goddamn brunette teacher was in her thoughts for the majority of the weekend and she couldn't wait to see that woman's smiling face in person instead of just staring at her cell phone for hours on end.

David had caught her staring at the small screen for an hour straight as they were sitting down to watch one of their favorite television programs on Friday night. Of course, Emma figured he would confront her once again about texting and staring at that screen for too long, and that she usually left that damn device in her bedroom during this time. She feared for a few minutes as he loomed over her, the cell screen now black. Oh god, she hoped he wouldn't take her phone. Because, fuck, she had Ms. Mills' picture on there. And there was no way to exit away from it. It was inevitable.

Belle would be laughing her ass off right now, she was sure, because Emma couldn't last more than five minutes after returning home to change her background screen. Sure, it was creepy and a bit stalkerish, but she just couldn't help it. That woman was so dazzling and perfect, and it just made her phone so priceless. Anyways, it was only for the weekend so she didn't have to keep entering her pictures to try to find just this one.

And now David had her phone in his hand, but not once pressing the button to wake it up. Emma was silently screaming profanity in her head, hoping to whatever higher being that he won't try to snoop through her phone. Because as soon as he would turn it on, he would see the screen. And the screen was nothing but the smiling face of her creative writing teacher with those large, brown eyes, and those perfect, plump red lips. He would either ask who the hell that was or know immediately if he had become acquainted with her. This was a smaller town, after all. Mostly everyone knew each other. Mostly. So there would still be a slim chance he didn't know who that was, but goddamn, he would probably still wonder why the hell his teenage daughter had a picture of a middle-aged woman as her background.

He'd probably have a brain aneurysm over the fact and collapse on the floor in a twitching mess. Let's just hope he never dared to snoop through the device.

But he didn't. He just held it in his hand and gave her a stern look- or at least tried to. He never really mastered that yet.

"Emma, what have I told you about spending too much time on your phone? You could go blind from looking at this thing." he threatened, shaking Emma's phone in the air.

The blonde just watched his hand, glued to the black smartphone in it. "Sorry..." she mumbled. "Graham was texting and I haven't heard from him in a while. He'll be coming down in a couple months as soon as he buys that car."

And that wasn't entirely a lie. Because, yeah, she had been texting Graham, but that was an hour ago, and yes, he would be coming down in a couple of months. And then, as if to support her explanation, the phone buzzed.


"Well," he sighed and gave in, handing the phone back to his daughter. "Just don't stay on it for too long. Mary Margaret will be back soon with dinner and you know how she doesn't like technology at the table."

"I know." Emma sighed, swiping her finger over the screen to check the message.

"I'm going to the bathroom." He announced, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of her head.

And that just made Emma look at him, her nose scrunched in distaste. "Thanks for the knowledge..."

David chuckled and waltzed towards the only other door in the apartment, leaving Emma alone to her phone once again. She finally took the time to see the message that Graham had sent her and nearly lost her shit.

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