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They're dead. They're all dead. I can't hear them anymore.

The Tardis hummed sadly above the heartbroken woman as she sagged against the console, the small mental brush in her mind did little comfort and she took a deep breath in, getting up to set the Tardis to float in space for as long as she stayed sane. Flashes ran through her mind of Time Lords and Ladies and children running around terrified because the Daleks had come. Arcadia had fallen and her brother, the Doctor, told her to run, to take his Tardis and live. She had fought, the President not caring whether she lived or died. She had fought beside her brother until he was shot down by a Dalek, he slipped his key into her hand and said his Tardis was now hers and told her to live on.

How can I live when this is barley surviving

Leaving the brakes on did make the Outcast feel a little better, but her hearts still broke knowing that, that sound was the thing her brother loved and she didn't want to destroy his memory. The Tardis gave a mental nudge and she willingly followed her directions, down random halls and passing random door until a press to the back of her mind told her to stop in front of a door. Her door. The Doctor always made sure her room was ready whenever she decided to come visit and travel with him for a while with his companions. She gave a sad sigh and opened the door to see her room exactly as she left it, a neat mess. Textbooks sat in pile on the floor by the bookshelf, blankets scattered on the queen bed. The room was happy and bright and it almost felt wrong for the Outcast to even step foot inside it. The Tardis hummed gently and encouragingly as she stepped inside and immediately curled under the covers, the effects of the day finally catching up with the alien as her eyes closed, hearing a firm and protective hum from the Tardis above.


She spent days sulking around the Tardis. Maybe it's been months. When the Tardis was not sending her to random planets and random points of Earths history, Woman Wept being her favorite place to visit, she spent most of her time in the Library, reading on how to build her own sonic screwdriver, how to fly the Tardis, the evolution of the Earth, anything that would keep her from leaving the comfort of her box. She frowned when she felt a mental brush against her mind. "I'm not leaving." She told her machine. The Tardis hummed defiantly and a delicious smelling aroma wafted into the Library. "What is that?" She asked the ceiling. She received a push to the door as the Tardis gave a hum that clearly said 'Go see for yourself.' Sighing, the Time Lady placed her book on the couch and followed the smell to the front doors of the control room. "Where did you bring me?" The monitor on the control panel flickered on and the Outcast looked to see Earth, March 25, 2005. People were rushing about, doing their shopping or going to work as the Outcast stepped out of her box and breathed in the London air. She closed the doors and gave them a pat before going to the nearest food stand and getting fries. Chips. She scolded herself. The Doctor called them chips. She took a bite and immediately fell in love with her chips.


As the day turned to night, the Outcast found herself enjoying looking at Big Ben and The Eye and even just watching the water running along the Thames. She was brought out of her thoughts when her sonic screwdriver started to beep from her jeans pocket, she pulled it out to see it tracing a signal inside of the shops. "Auton?" she frowned at the readings. "There's a Nestene Consciousness here?" She followed the signal until she reached a shop called Hendrik's, a shop full of plastic mannequins. "This is bad, this is very bad." She reached into her pockets to find anything that could help her break the connection between the Consciousness and the Auton mannequins in the shop. She pulled out her hand to see a small blinking bomb in her grasp. "You sneaky telepathic, time and space travelling, bigger on the inside, police box. You planned all of this." She muttered under her breath as she marched across the street to the shop, swearing to Rassilon she heard a laugh in the back of her mind.

She snuck around the back to avoid the security guard a the front door and used her sonic to unlock the door leading to the storage area where the signal was getting stronger. She stopped in front of a door that read 'H.P Wilson, CEO' and opened the door to see the dead body of a middle aged man. "I'm sorry," she whispered, knowing she could do nothing about him. She heard the voice of a teenaged girl yelling down the corridor, the voice coming from the other side of a deadlocked door. The Outcast cursed in Gallifreyan and ran to the other side of the storage room to find a door. She snuck in to see a group of Auton's surrounding the young blonde girl who was yelling before, pressed against the wall without escape and she darted forward when she saw the lead Auton raise it's arm to strike her down and grabbed her wrist.

Whiskey brown met forest green



So, this is the prologue to my first ever story on Wattpad (Yay!). I hope I don't suck as much as I think I do and you actually like it :/ There will most likely be chapters like this in between the Doctor Who episodes that will explain a lot more things than in the episodes. And as a visual the Outcast will be played by the lovely Katie McGrath (be still my heart), she wears jeans with sneakers and a long sleeved black top. None of the pictures are mine, I picked them off google for effect :)

If you do find yourself liking this story I will try to post a new part every week unless reason prevents me from doing so.


Outcast's Sorrow (Doctor's Sister Book One)Where stories live. Discover now