The Unquiet Dead

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"Rose, you need to hold that one down!" the Outcast yelled over the loud noises of the jerky in-flight TARDIS.

I'm holding this one down!" Rose yelled backing, looking pointedly to the lever she was holding.

The Outcast bounced over and pulled down the lever she needed. "No need to get snappy with me!" she joked. "I'll help."

"It's not going to work."

The Outcast gaped at the blonde, offended. "I promised you a time machine, and that's what you're going to get. Now, you've seen the future, how about we have a look at the past. How does 1860 sound to you?"

"What happened in 1860?" Rose asked.

"I have no clue," the Outcast shrugged with a grin. "Let's go find out. Hold on to something!"

Rose did just that and held onto the console with a death grip as the Time Lady ran around, pushing buttons and pulling levers. With one final bang and explosion from the TARDIS sent both women to the floor on their backs. One look at each other caused them both to burst out laughing.

"Blimey!" Rose giggled.

The Outcast pushed herself off of the floor. "You're telling me! Are you alright?"

"Yeah. I think so," replied the blonde, also standing up. "Nothing broken. Did we make it? Where are we?" she asked in excitement.

The Outcast ran over to the console screen to check the date. "I did it!" She brightened. "I told you! Give the woman a medal! Look. Earth, Napalms, December 24th, 1860."

Rose came to look at the monitor as well, mouth open in shocked wonder. "That's so weird. It's Christmas!"

"All yours," the Outcast gestured to the front doors with a grin.

"But, it's like, think about it, though! Christmas, 1860!" Rose said. "Happens once, just once and it's gone, it's finished, it'll never happen again. Except for you. You can go back and see days that are dead and gone a hundred thousand sunsets ago. No wonder you never stay still."

"Not a bad life, if I do say so myself," the Outcast replied with a shrug.

"Better with two," Rose said with a smile before running for the doors. "Come on, then!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Where do you think you're going?" the Outcast shouted after her.

Rose stopped and shifted excitedly. "1860."

"Not dressed like that, you're not!" the Time Lady gestured to the blondes clothing. "You'll start a riot, for sure! There's a wardrobe down that hallway." She pointed down one of the corridors leading out of the console room. "It's the first left, second right, third on the left, go straight ahead, under the stairs, past the bins, fifth door on your left."

Rose couldn't help the dumbfounded stare she gave the Time Lady as she desperately tried to remember all of the directions she was given. "Uh."

The Outcast failed to keep the wide grin off of her face. "Or, to make it easier, go to the first door you see and think of what room you want it to be. The TARDIS is telepathic."


The Outcast sat underneath the console, while she waited for Rose to come back, and fiddled with the wiring underneath to make sure everything was working as it should be. She changed out of her denim jeans and long sleeved shirt for a less puffy dress than what is supposed to be styled in the 1860s, but looking close enough where she wouldn't be called out for it. Her head perked up when she heard footsteps coming closer to where she was working. She slowly maneuvered her way out from underneath the TARDIS to greet her companion.

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