Ephimeral Night 3

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"Dammit, Signy" Nerva cursed under his breath as he retreated

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"Dammit, Signy" Nerva cursed under his breath as he retreated.

The Bigfoot had its dumb eyes on him, and one of its enormous paws was scratching its head in an utterly idiotic fashion. Thick, greenish drool was dripping from its mouth onto the soil. Flies were circling it overhead. Nerva was retreating to get enough distance to cast a Meteor Storm, but the Bigfoot was walking toward him and wouldn't let him out of its sight.

Nerva retreated and lost his footing. He fell on his back with a thud. The Bigfoot bent and picked him up.

The monster inclined its head and started to squeeze him to his death. Nerva screamed. The stupid creature gave a low, guttural laughter. It was enjoying its new toy. Blood started to flow from the corners of Nervas lips.

His vision was already starting to fail. His lungs screamed for oxygen and brain did the same. He gasped for breath.

"Need to get out" Nerva gasped. "Need to live for them Signy!"

Gathering all his Mana, he cast the only reasonably spell he could think of.


The Bigfoot roared and dropped him. Nerva crashed to the ground and quickly scuttled to his staff, gasping for breath and clutching his chest. He grabbed the staff and jumped to his feet. The Bigfoot was busied with its burned arm. He didn't waste any second.


The red pentagram appeared. The Bigfoot blinked stupidly and then looked up to meet its death. Ten fiery meteors bombarded the beast, burning skin, flesh and bone. The dying roar of the animal was a deafening din. Nerva covered his ears.

The ground shook as the Bigfoots enormous body crashed. Nerva was quickly on Signys side.

"Signy! Signy, wake up!" he said frantically, tapping her cheeks.

"Signy, get a hold of yourself! Signy!"

She stirred and opened her eyes. "What? Is it breakfast already?"

Nerva sweatdropped. "No, I am afraid. Bigfoot, remember?"

And she sat up so suddenly that she jumped backward in alarm. "Where is it? Where is it?"

"I killed it. You're bleeding."

"Nah, its just a trickle." She smiled. "I've suffered worse. Lets go."

"Are you sure you're okay?" Nerva asked again.

Signy winked at him. "Of course I am. Hunters are tougher than what you think."

Theodoric and Sibyl stood back to back, both panting as they clutched their weapons. Theodorics cape was torn to half, the left side of his armor crushed, and a huge chunk of his chain mail was missing, exposing his vulnerable torso. Sibyls veil had been ripped from her face, one of her shoulder plates was missing and wisps of her long hair had already fallen out of her scrupulous ponytail. Needless to say, the two were a mess.

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