Chapter 2 The Other Students And The Project After School

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Another day for school! You got up of your bed excited.
'I can't wait to see Francis and the others!' You thought. You wore you favorite outfit, brushed your hair and walked out of your house. As you walked out of the small square someone called you from your left.
"Bonjour (Y/N)!" You turned and saw Francis.
"Francis? What are you doing here?"
"I came to pick you up ma cherie." You smiled at him.
"Thanks a lot Francis, you didn't have to do that."
"It's no problem ma cherie. And by the way, you look cute today~" He said and winked. You blushed.
"T-thanks." He chuckled. You walked together to school as you chatted.
"We have home economics now, oui?" "Yeah."
"Do you want to sit together ma cherie?" He asked you.
"Sure." You said. Suddenly, you heard someone calling Francis from behind you.
"Francis! Dude!" You turned around and saw a guy with messy blonde hair and blue eyes. He wore glasses and he had a huge smile on his face.
"Bonjour Alfred." Said Francis. Alfred looked at you and then at Francis, wiggling his eyebrow teasingly.
"Bro! You finally got a girlfriend!" You started blushing like mad and so did Francis.
"No no, it's nothing like that!" Exclaimed Francis. Alfred chuckled.
"Oookay. If you say sooo..." Francis cleared his throat.
"Anyway, mon ami, this is (Y/N)."
"Nice to meet ya! I'm Alfred, the hero!" He said and took a, he thought, heroic pose. You giggled.
"So mon ami, you have home economics right now, oui?" He asked Alfred.
"Yeah bro. That SUCKS! I hate home economics. It's so boring..." Alfred pouted.
Later at home economics, when ever the teacher turned his gaze away from the class, Alfred threw a paper plane on his head. A whispered-like laugh spread in the classroom as the guy next to Alfred, hit him on the back of his head.
When the bell rang for lunch you, Francis, Alfred and the guy next to Alfred, exited the classroom. Alfred gave a punch at the guys shoulder.
"Yao, dude! You didn't have to hit me so many times!" Yao laughed. He had long dark hair in a ponytail and amber colored eyes. He looked at you.
"Who are you aru?"
"I'm (Y/N), you're Yao right?"
"Yes, nice to meet you." He said and smiled.
"So, (Y/N) we'll have lunch together oui?" Francis asked you.
"Yeah, I just wanna pick something from my locker first. I'll catch up with you later."
"Alright ma cherie." The guys walked away and you went to your locker. There was no one else in the hallway. As you searched inside your locker you heard something slapping right next to your head. Surprised you turned around and your (e/c) eyes met with a pair of red ones. "W-wha-" You mumbled. In front of you there was a tall guy with messy blonde-platinum hair. He had you cornered, with his hand on the wall right next to your head.
"Hallo." He said in a sly kinda weird way.
"Ehh...hi?" He came closer to your face.
"You are really cute you know." You blushed madly as you realized he was that close to you you. Before you could say anything else, someone grabbed the guy's arm and pulled him away from you.
"What are you doing Gilbert?" You looked where the voice came from and saw Francis.
"Oh Francis, I was just expressing my interest for this girl." He said and smirked slyly.
"Leave her alone Gilbert." Said Francis to him angrily.
"Francis, it's alright don't worry about it." You said trying to calm him down. Francis sighed angrily and grabbed your hand.
"C'mon (Y/N) let's go."
"Uh, Francis?"
After Gilbert was gone of your sight Francis let go of your hand and singhed.
"I-im sorry (Y/N), i don't know what came over me."
"It's okay Francis, no need to worry about it." You said and smiled at him. He smiled back.
"We should go to the cafeteria oui? The others are waiting for us."
"Alright." You walked next to each other to the cafeteria. Francis leaded you to the cafeteria's big table. There were sitting Yao, Alfred, Kiku, Feliciano, Hercules, Ludwig and Arthur.
"Bonjour les amis!" Greeted Francis.
"Hello aru!"
"What's up dude!" You sat on the table with Hercules on your right, and Francis on your left.
"Alfred, could you stop being so loud aru?"
"Oh quit being so whiny bro!" Said Alfred and everyone laughed. You were having a lot of fun with the guys, and you liked being around them.

Francis' POV
When lunch break was over, me and
(Y/N) walked to our next class together. Before I could ask her to sit with me, Gilbert popped out of nowhere and grabbed (Y/N)'s wrist and dragged her to another desk.
"How about we sit together today, ja?"
When the class started I couldn't concentrate, I stared at (Y/N)'s and Gilbert's direction. Gilbert "yawned" and put his arm around (Y/N)'s shoulder. I could tell that she felt uncomfortable. I was boiling with anger. (Y/N) removed Gilbert's arm and moved a bit away from him.
"Francis, are you alright?" Asked Hercules who was sitting next to me.
"Oui, oui. I'm fine." I said in a cold tone without turning my gaze away from Gilbert and (Y/N).
When the bell rang, (Y/N) walked out of the classroom and I followed behind her.
"Ah, (Y/N)?"
"Yeah, what is it Francis?"
"Is it okay with you if I walk you home today as well?" She smiled.
"Of course! That would be awesome!" I tried to hide my blush.
"Okay Francis I'll see you in class." She said and waved with a smile. I waved back at her as she walked away. I turned my gaze towards the classrooms door and I saw Gilbert coming out. I glared coldly at him. I wanted to punch him right in the face for some reason. I didn't like it when I saw him with (Y/N). It made me so angry. That moment I realized something that was obvious but still difficult for me to make it out. I smiled to myself.

[NOT GOING TO BE CONTINUED] Hetalia High School (France x reader)Where stories live. Discover now