Chapter 4 Movie Night

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Last day of the weekend. And that meant!.. school tomorrow. You were talking with Elizaveta on the phone about yesterday.
"So, how did it go with Francis?" She asked from the other line. You blushed from embarrassment.
"W-what are you talking about?"
"Oh, c'mon (Y/N). We both know you like him!" You now looked like a tomato.
"I-i don't know. I think I do?" Elizaveta singhed.
"Alright, seems like you have to think about it. BUT! Tell me immediately if something happens between you two." She said cheerfully. You rolled your eyes and giggled.
"Okay, bye!"
"Bye (Y/N)!" Said Elizaveta and hang up. Right then, your phone rang again. You saw Alfred's name on the screen and picked up.
"Hey Alfred."
"Hey dudette!" Replied your loud friend. "Are you free tonight?"
"Yeah, why?" You asked.
"I'm having a movie night! All the others will be there and I was wondering if you'd like to come too!" You smiled.
"Yeah, sure! But... Where do you live?" You asked, not knowing his address.
"Don't worry about that! Arthur and Francis will come to pick you up!"
"I don't want to put them in trouble." You said, a bit worried about being a burden.
"Nah, it's kay! They won't mind! They'll come around 6:30 p.m., is that okay?"
"Alright, bye!"
"Bye dudette!" He said and you hang up. You quickly went downstairs to talk to your brother.
"(Bbbbb/nnnnn)~!" You sang in the sweetest tone that you could. As soon as he heard your unusually sweet tone he looked at you raising his eyebrow.
"Τι έκανες πάλι (Y/N); (What did you do again (Y/N)?)"
"Nothing. I was just wondering if I could go to a friend's house tonight. Μπορώ; (Can I?)"
"Who of your friend's exactly?" He asked.
"Alfred's." He sighed.
"Καλά, μπορείς να πας. (Οkay, you can go.)" You put your hands around his neck and hugged him.
"Thanks big bro!" He chuckled and ruffled your hair. You laughed and jogged upstairs to your room.
It was 6:15 p.m. and you were getting ready. You wore your casual jeans, a dark blue shirt and your favorite black and white trainers. And you also decided to wear the necklace Francis won for you. The bell rang and you raced downstairs.
"It must be Francis and Arthur." You said to yourself as you made your way to the door while your brother looked at you surprised.
"I thought you were going to Alfred's house."
"Yeah but the also the others are going to be there and since I don't know his address, they came to pick me up." Adreas facepalmed.
"I should have imagined this Francis guy was in the plan." He murmured. You just ignored him and opened the door. (B/n) went behind you.
"Hello ma ch-" Begin to say Francis, but cut himself off as he saw your brother. Arthur and your brother glared at him for some reason.
"Wow, they are more similar than I remember." Whispered Francis to your ear as you giggled. (B/n) then looked at Arthur, who looked kind of scared at his guise.
"You're Arthur right?"
"Yes." He responded. (B/n) smirked.
"You don't seem like a jerk like your friend over here." He said and you kicked your brother's leg, without Arthur and Francis noticing.
"Ouch!" He muttered quietly.
"Well we have to go now, bye bro!"
"Alright, bye sis! Hey, you two watch over her!" He yelled as you walked away from your house with Francis and Arthur.
"Sorry about him guys." You apologized and rubbed the back of your neck. Arthur chuckled.
"Don't worry. He just cares about his sister."
"Oui," Francis added and chuckled. "If I had a sister as beautiful as you, I would act like your brother did." You blushed and he laughed. The three of you talked about random things until you stopped outside of a block of flats. You and the boys went to the top floor with the elevator and ringed the doorbell at the end of the hall. You heard steps of someone running from inside. Suddenly the door swang open reavealing an always cheerful Alfred.
"Welcome dudes and dudette! Make youselves at home." He said loudly and leaded the three of you inside. "My folks are not here so the house is ours!" He exclaimed excited. You laughed and followed him to the lounge. There was another room connected to it, probably the kitchen. In the back there were selves with books on them and a door leading to the balcony. In of the center there was a family-sized couch in the color of warm brown. Right in front of the couch there was a large TV. The others were already there. Kiku was chatting with Feliciano and Ludwig, while Gilbert and Yao were playing Rock Paper Scissors. Hercules on the other side, was sleeping. There were also three other guys that you haven't met before. The one was tall, with violet eyes and blonde hair. He was wearing a scarf around his neck and the other was blonde with glasses and blue eyes. As for the other, he had green eyes, brown hair and a big smile on his face.
"Yo dudes, the rest of the gang is here!" Yelled Alfred excitingly. Hercules snapped awake from Alfred's shouting.
"Ah, What did I miss?" He said looking around, still half asleep. You all laughed, plus Hercules though he didn't know what you guys laughed about. You looked around at the room, having a feeling that someone was missing.
"Where is Elizaveta?" You asked Alfred.
"Sorry dudette. She had something planned for tonight." He responded with a apologetic look on his face.
"By the way, this is Ivan," He said pointing at the tall guy, who gave you a warm smile. "And this is Matthew, my bro." He said putting his arm around the blonde's neck. "And this is Antonio." He said motioning towards the brown haired male. "Him, Francis and Gilbert are something like... A gang." Gilbert grinned brightly and put one arm on each Antonio's and Francis' neck.
"The Bad Touch Trio!" Gilbert exclaimed proudly and laughed with his usual laugh.
"Alfred, you didn't tell us. What movie are we going to watch aru?" Alfred held up a CD holder triumphantly.
"A classic horror movie!" He exclaimed. You gulped. Horror movies were never really your thing. You got scared pretty easily with these stuff, but you didn't want to be a party pooper so you didn't say anything. Yao, Kiku, Ivan, Antonio and Gilbert sat on different parts of the floor. Hercules sat on one of these poof pillows. Ludwig and Feliciano sat on the right side of the couch, while you sat on the left side, Francis on your left and Arthur on your right.
It was getting dark outside and Alfred turned the lights off.
"To create some atmosphere for the film..." He said rubbing the back of his neck as he sat on the floor next to Yao.
The movie scarier than you thought. The moment the girl opened the closet... BANG! The killer jumbed out of it and stabbed her head. Frightened, you grasped onto Francis' arm and burried your face on his shoulder. He looked at you worried.
"(Y/N), are you alright?" He whispered.
"Y-yeah I'm fine." You stammered quietly, trying not to look at the slaughter on the screen.
"You are scared of the movie, aren't you?" He whispered again. You nodded and closed your eyes once more as the killer stabbed another of his victims on the stomach. Francis put a blanket on you and himself and placed his arm around your shoulders.
"You alright now?" he asked, wearing a gentle smile. Thankfully, the others didn't notice a thing. If they did, you would probably die from embarrassment. You smiled back at him. "Yeah, thanks Francis." You responded whispering. You felt so nice in his warm embrace. So warm and nice, that you fell asleep.

[NOT GOING TO BE CONTINUED] Hetalia High School (France x reader)Where stories live. Discover now