Chapter 3 A Day At The Theme Park

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Finally weekend! You were relaxing on your room and reading your favorite book when your phone rang. You saw Feliciano's name on the screen and picked it up.
"Hello Feli."
"Ciao (Y/N)!" He said with his playful Italian accent. "Me and the others are going to the Theme Park! Would you like to come?"
"Why not? It will be fun. Is...Francis going to be there?" You asked and your heart was beating faster.
"Of course!" Feliciano responded from the other line.
"By the way, he will come to pick you up. He should be there in about half an hour."
"Okay, thanks Feli. I'll get ready." You said and hang up.
You wore your favorite blue jeans and jacket, and a (f/c) T-shirt. You went downstairs.
"Hey (B/n), I'm going out." You said to your brother. He lifted his gaze to you suspiciously.
"With who?"
"Some of my friends from school." You responded, trying not to be very specific. "Is he going to be there?" He asked, obviously suspicious. You singhed.
"(B/n), we both know you always get overprotective. Francis is actually a very nice guy." He rolled his eyes.
"Καλα, καλά. Πήγαινε αλλά να προσέχεις. (Alright, alright. Go but be careful.)" You smiled wide at him and hugged him.
"Ευχαριστώ! Είσαι ο καλύτερος αδελφός του κόσμου! (Thanks! You are the best brother in the world!)" Just that moment the bell rang.
"Πρέπει να φύγω τώρα, θα τα πούμε το βράδυ! (I have to go now, I'll see you tonight!)" You said and waved at him as you walked out of the house. Outside was Francis waiting for you.
"Bonjour (Y/N)!" He greeted you.
"Good morning Francis!"
"We will meet the others at the bus station, shall we go?"
"Okay!" You said and smiled.
At the station there were all of your friends. Arthur, Kiku, Feliciano, Ludwig, Elizaveta, Yao, Alfred, Hercules and Gilbert.
"Good morning guys!" You greeted as you walked with Francis towards them.
"Hello dudette! Are you ready to go to the Theme Park?!" Said Alfred and playfully put his arm around your shoulders. You laughed.
"Yeah, I'm excited! I've never been to one before." Alfred looked at you quite shocked.
"What?! You are kidding right? Even Arthur has been to one!"
"What do you mean by that you bloody git?!" Yelled Arthur behind him. You laughed.
"No, I'm not kidding. There wasn't a Theme Park near my home town so I never got the chance to go." Alfred smiled wide.
"Well we'll fix that!" He said making you smiled.

Francis' POV
When the bus arrived me and Alfred sat in the back and (Y/N) at the front seats with Elizaveta.
"So Francis," said Alfred and I turned to his direction.
"What are you going to do?"
"With what?" I asked and he raised his eyebrow.
"Oh, c'mon man. I mean with (Y/N), we both know you like her." Suddenly Feliciano popped up from the back seat.
"Si, seems like Francis has a crush on (Y/- Mhh!" I quickly covered his mouth with my hand.
"Be quiet!" I whispered-yelled
"So it's true." Said Arthur from our front seat smirking.
"Yeah..." I muttered.
"I KNEW IT!" Yelled Gilbert from our right. Yao next to him seemed a bit confused at his reaction.
"Wait, I thought you liked her too aru." Gilbert smirked.
"I never said I didn't like her, I just had a feeling Francis liked her too." I glared at him.
"But! I won't make a move on her, I ruined my chance when I first met her. So I guess I'm not in the competition. Even though I'm awesome!"
"I know what you can do!" Said Feliciano and tapped my shoulder. All of us turned to him. "You can give her some pasta!" Ludwig hit him on the head.
"You should just tell her." Said Yao.
"In China, girls like the guy to just be honest."
"I don't know if you've noticed, BUT SHE IS NOT CHINESE!" Yelled Arthur.
"Hercules, you are both Greek. What do girls in Greece like?" I asked him full of hope.
"I don't know. "How about souvlaki?"
"What the fuck is souvlaki?" Asked Gilbert.
"Enough with the souvlaki!" Exclaimed Alfred. He looked at me.
"Bro, you should just take it slow. Don't rush things to happen." Arthur was wide eyed.
"For one time Alfred said something right!" Alfred glared at him.
"Ha ha, very funny Arthur." We all laughed.
'Alfred is right. I shouldn't rush things.' I thought.
When we arrived at the Theme Park, the first thing Alfred said was,
"LETS GO TO THE ROLLER COASTER!" Somehow he managed to convince us and we went to the roller coaster. Me and (Y/N) sat on the front with all the others were right behind us.
"If you get scared remember, I'm right next to you." I said and winked teasingly. She gave me a teasing smile and raised her eyebrow.
"Well we'll see who'll get scared." I chuckled. The roller coaster began. It felt we were going with the speed of light! (Y/N) grabbed my arm and screamed from excitement. Behind me I could hear Yao and Kiku screaming in horror as much their lungs could take. Arthur was yelling,
"I KNEW THIS WAS A BAD IDEA!" Over and over again. Gilbert was shouting,
"THIS IS AWESOOOOMEE!!!" Elizaveta and Alfred were screaming something that I couldn't understand. And Feliciano and Ludwig were shouting terrified. As the ride went on (Y/N) gripped my arm tighter as she was still screaming. I just smiled to myself.
When the ride was over, (Y/N) realized that she was holding my arm the whole time and quickly let go of me.
"Sorry." She said and looked away.
'Is she blushing?' I thought and chuckled. "Don't worry about it ma cherie." Ludwig, Feliciano and Arthur stumbled out of the roller coaster.
"Where is Yao and Kiku?" I asked.
"They're puking over there." Said Arthur and pointed at a corner behind him. Alfred looked around wide eyed.
"Ha, that totally didn't scare the hero!" He said, obviously terrified from the ride a few minutes ago.
"That was awesome, just like me." Said Gilbert. I rolled my eyes and (Y/N) giggled. When everyone came out, (Y/N) looked around.
"Wait," she said and looked one more time. "Guys, where is Herc?" All of us looked back at the roller coaster and saw him sleeping on his seat. We looked at him speechless.
"How is that even possible..." Muttered Kiku.
"HE FELL ASLEEP ON THE ROLLER COASTER?!" Yelled Gilbert. Hercules snapped awake.
"What happened, did I miss something?" We all bursted into laughing.
Our little group wandered around the Theme Park. I saw a little canteen with refreshments.
"(Y/N), do you want to get a soda?" I asked her.
"Okay, sure." She responded with that adorable smile of hers.
"Les amis, we'll be right back!" I said as we walked away.
"Two soda's please." The man behind the counter gave us the sodas waited for us to pay. (Y/N) reached for her wallet and I stopped her.
"My treat." I said and smiled. She smiled back. I paid for our sodas and we walked towards the spot we said we were going to meet with the others. No one of our group was there. I called Alfred, Arthur, Yao and all the others. No one picked up. I checked at my messages. Alfred sent me one. It said:

[NOT GOING TO BE CONTINUED] Hetalia High School (France x reader)Where stories live. Discover now