Finding My Classes

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The reason I choose to attend a technical college was to cut straight to the chase with my main classes, instead of having to waste time with typical classes that I already succeeded in passing in high school.

So this brings us to the question of “and what does Victoria want to major in”? It’s simple really, I’m here today in Lincoln Tech to get my Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice! How’s that for unexpected?

Nonetheless my first class of the semester is Victimology which appears to be in building 5 room 528 how nice.

I scan the hallways looking for any sign of direction and see that I’m in building 2. A quick detour through the left hallway takes me back to the receptions desk where conveniently there is a map of the school. Quickly scanning the map I see that building 5 is the last one all the way in the back so I cut through the back hallway, take a right and then straight ahead until I reach the 520’s got it!

I have arrived to class and as usual I’m first In.

I open the door and make my way to the front of the class and take a seat. Even though I prefer to fly below the radar I choose to sit in the front due to avoid everyone else that crams in the back on the first day. I check my watch it reads 5:40 so that means I’ve 20 mins until class begins, awesome.

I retrieve my phone, put on headphones, hit play on the song “Cherry” by Lana Del Rey and then lie my head down to be consumed by the music. This is just one of the perks to being early in finding your class, a bit of relaxation before the stress begins. 

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