At 6:00PM Class Begins

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The time on my phone now reads 6:00PM, that means it is time for me to put my phone away and get in the class mode. I finish up listening to the chorus of "Dark Paradise" by Lana Del Rey, before I remove and wrap my headphones around my phone and set it to the side. I then go in my backpack and pull out my Ipad given to us by the school, in order to get ready for tonight's lecture. Although it is only the second day of class, I think today we may indeed dive into some informative things on Victimology. 

The time is now 6:01PM and Dr.Kazan heads to the back of the class in order to shut the door. She is at the door about to close it when suddenly a boy stumbles right through the door and into the class before she manages to shut the door. 

"Your late Angel". She says

"It was only by 1 minute Ms.K". The boy named Angel responds

"If it happens again you won't be allowed into my classroom, is that understood?".

Angel then assumes a stance where his hands are on his hips an almost defiant stance as he responds "Yeah Okay, I don't see what the big deal is though". 

"The big deal?" Responds Ms.Kazan. "The big deal Angel is that at 6:00PM class begins, and I won't accept half assed excuses for tardies. Look how much of a distraction and mine and your classmates times you've already wasted. Go and have a seat, and don't let this happen again. Consider this your first warning".

And with that both Angel and Ms.K returned to their respective areas, all the while me and other students nosily watched the encounter. Yeesh, who knew Ms.K was so strict on lateness. Thankfully for me i'm always early. 

Ms.Kazan then walked to the front of the class and announced us as a whole. 

"As you guys have all seen I don't take well with tardiness or excuses. We are here to learn and only have a limited time to do so with our classes being only 4 hours long. This is an accelerated course that is taught at an advanced rate, and we have no time for games or foolishness. My job as your professor is to teach you all the tools that you will need to thrive in your criminal justice careers, and make sure you all leave here with your Bachelor's by the end of this 3 1/2 year program. As long as you don't waste my time I will value yours. Are there any questions?"

Instinctively my hand shot up even though I didn't have anything to say. 

"Yes Victoria?" Asks Ms.Kazan as she turns to look at me

I freeze. I'm a fucking idiot, I don't have anything to say. I quickly think up something to ask and end up saying "I like your shirt".

Ms.K stares at me and does a little head tilt as the rest of the class erupts into laughter. I put my hand down and muster a half smile while I quickly look down. 

Ms.K then silences the class and tells everyone to pull up chapter 1 of their textbook so that class can start. 

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