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Back on the other side of Vegas while I was showing Kc the time of her life, because she was giving the same to me in return, Belinda was preparing to ruin my life forever without me having an inkling of a clue. Little did I know that when she put Kc to bed with me, wasn't the first time she's taken advantage of me while I was drunk, and a few months before she in, fact, took advantage of me by mixing up some of my papers with a certain little legal document that I unknowingly signed, because at that time I would have never expected for Belinda to be so treacherous, but I was soon going to find out just how fucked up she was.

Belinda took the legal document with my signature on it to the government office and made it official. Then she gave me a little phone call while I was just walking out of the movie house with Kc wrapped in my arms. At first, I was just going to ignore it when I saw that it was her worthless ass calling, but then something told me I needed to answer this call. I slowly answered it as I helped Kc into the car, but I stayed outside and sat on the hood of my car and listened to what she had to say. At first, when she told me I had to get to our wedding site, I asked her if me slamming the door in her face wasn't subtle enuff for her. Belinda just laughed at me thru the phone and said that I didn't really have a choice, that I had to marry her whether I wanted to or not. 

Just as I was about to tell her Latina ass off, she hung up on me and I was suddenly surrounded by an escort of officers handing me an official notice, telling me that they were there to escort me to my wedding any way they had too. I read the papers over and over again and I tossed the papers in the air as I hollered loudly that I couldn't believe that fucking bitch snuck passed me and did this to me! Then I told the officers that I never willingly or knowingly signed this document, that I was set up because I wouldn't marry that bitch if she was the last female on the planet! That I would go totally gay first! But none of them seemed to care, and said they were there just to make sure that I made it there one way or the other, that it was up to me and the government on how it was handled from there if I wanted to contest it. I kissed Kc and told her to take my car back to my house, and not to worry about anything that I would one way or another get out of this bogus shit.

When they finally got me there, I showed everyone very quickly that I was so contesting this bullshit, I went into total anarchy. But after speaking with all the government officials they told me flat out that no matter how it came into being, that it was my official signature, and that alone made it legal, so I had no choice but to marry her. I read the document three times and I went into another tantrum when I read that I wasn't allowed to get an annulment or divorce until after three years of being married to her worthless ass! I shredded the paper into a million pieces and said I may be stuck with her ass, but it didn't say anywhere on the fucking paper that I had to be a loving and faithful husband. Then I added very quickly that my money was my money, and her money was hers, and there was going to be no joint account. Because I wasn't giving her shit.

So after the so-called shotgun wedding, I had with her, I told her straight out that I really despised her ass, and I may be stuck with her for three years, but she would never be my wife! Then I whispered in her ear that if she made me get rid of the girl that I loved dearly, I would make her life a living fucking hell. Then I casually put my sunglasses on and walked away and left her standing there at the beginning of the aisle with all of her family and friends staring blankly at her. It seemed that she didn't tell any of them that she tricked and enforced me to marry her, purely out of her jealousy and spite, because I found true love with her old friend that she fucking set me up with in the first place, and she really needed my publicity, and finances to keep her career afloat.

But what I didn't know, was that Belinda was already two steps ahead of me, and she was on the phone with Kc, telling her that she was just my sex toy and now that I was married to her, she was no longer needed or wanted, and if she ever saw her around her husband she would cause unspeakable trouble for her, then she told her that she wasn't without a heart and told Kc to meet her at the girl club and she would give her a nice chunk of money so she could disappear and find a nice apartment somewhere and to simply make her husband a memory. Kc at first didn't believe what she was telling her until she turned on the news channel and saw the wedding on television. Kc was in massive tears but there was nothing more she could do I was married, so before she hung up the phone with Belinda she accepted the money knowing she really needed it, then once they met up at the club, she took the money then she handed Belinda my keys to my car as she promised her she would disappear.

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