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Klayton hopped out of the car and apologized to Kc for being late, then kissed her lightly on the lips, and as he helped her in the passenger seat, she looked over at me, and the first thing she said was why in the hell did I cut all my hair off, then she gave me that beautiful smile that I loved, as she playfully tugged on my scraggly beard and asked what was up with the beard? I pulled down my sunglasses and told her I was rebelling against everything and everyone because I was not happy with my life anymore. Kc gave me a hug as she told me I needed to be happy for my son that was going to be coming very soon, and that the dr just informed her that he was doing perfect and so was she.

Then she looked in the back seat at Klayton inquisitively, but I told her already that he told me about him asking her to marry him. Kc looked down and asked what I thought about it...but I choked a little bit and changed the subject and asked her why in the hell did she try to kill herself in the first place knowing she was carrying my child, and without telling me about it. Kc looked down as tears started to form in her eyes, and said that everything hit her all at once. First, Belinda calls her while she was in the hospital trying to figure out why she was so sick to her stomach and tells her that she married me and that she was no longer needed. Then the doctor comes in and tells her that she wasn't sick, that she was three weeks pregnant, then finally, when she gets back to her shitty ass apartment she and all of the residents of the complex get evicted because of carbon monoxide poisoning and the building had to be condemned and torn down.

Then Kc looked up at me and said she didn't have me anymore, she didn't have a home anymore, and she couldn't go back to her family because they disowned her for moving to Vegas in the first place. So she did the only desperate thing she knew...to end it all so neither she or the unborn baby would have to suffer and perish on the streets. Then she slowly moved her fingers up and down her wrist where she slit them and said she was over half dead when Stoney found her while walking on his way to his favorite coffee shop for his morning coffee, and he took her to his home and stitched her up. When she woke up he had her hand in his, along with a blood bag to revive all the blood she lost. Kc looked up and said after she was past her crisis point Klayton asked her to stay with him, so he could take care of her and the baby. Then as Kc put one hand in mine and her other hand in Stoney's, she said that after living with him for that many months, he fell in love with her, and she couldn't help but love him back, because he was so much like me. But she added that she would never stop loving me because I was the first love of her life, but I was married and unavailable for her to be with.

I squeezed her hand and told her I wasn't mad at her, for falling in love with Stoney, because he was just a lovable and crazy dude. I looked over at her with a little water in my eyes and asked her if I was still going to be able to be our son's daddy, or if she wanted me to stay out of it, and let Stoney be his daddy to keep things from being complicated. Kc reached over to me and kissed me rugged beard and all and said I was our future son's daddy, and she wouldn't have it any other way, and I was allowed to be apart of his life anytime I wanted to be. I smiled at her and told her that I loved her very much but Stoney was right, and I couldn't ask her to wait a lifetime for me to be free from Belinda, so I would give them both my blessing to marry. Kc pulled me into a big hug as she thanked me.

Klayton cleared his throat and playfully said he was in the car too, even though he was quiet, and he needed a little lovin' too because he was really feeling left out right now. So I stopped the car in his driveway and jumped in the back seat and gave him a hug and kissed him on the cheek and told him I loved his silly ass too. Stoney chuckled and told Kc that he totally gave me permission to come over anytime that I had one of my crazy urges to be with her, because ever since high school he was used to sharing everything with me, including his girls. Kc looked back at him and said she didn't have a problem with that, because now she could have the best of both worlds, a Bad to the Bone Stone for a husband, and a Crazy Crisstopher for a steady boyfriend, and her son would have two badass daddy's to take care of and love him. Then she said all I had to wait for was the expiration of the three-year legal document that had my signature on it...then I could get my divorce. I comically blew raspberries at her and gently pulled her in the back seat with us both and as Stoney and I both were drowning her in kisses and hickeys I told her waiting wasn't in my vocabulary.

After our mild playing was over with, I helped Kc out of the car, and walked with both of them to the house and told them both that I would be doing a lot of visiting so they needed to stay at home. Klayton chuckled and said that he would leave the light on for me, then he went in the house. Kc stopped on the porch and asked me again if I was really ok with her marrying Klayton, I could tell she was really worried about me. I ran up to her and kissed her very passionately and said I wouldn't want it any other way. Then added that she needed to get a divorce in three years though. Then I winked at her and hopped in my car, but before I could leave she hollered at me and told me to shave. I chuckled loudly and told her, for her I would do anything. I waited until she went inside, then I headed back to Serenity.

🍸I WAS DRUNK IN A BAR🍸Where stories live. Discover now