Chapter 2

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The children hopped onto their bikes and were riding towards the pharmacy.
The kid that they had found in the lake, near the sewer, was called Ben, and Henry Bowers had attacked him.
Ben was sitting on the back of Bill's bike.
They were going to put Mia on the back of Bill's bike and Ben could ride her bike, but they decided against it, not sure if Ben would be fit to ride it in his condition.
They arrived outside the pharmacy and began to head in.
They then turned back to look at Ben and Stan hesitated, before turning to Richie,
"Richie, wait here."
The girl decided to stay outside with Richie as she didn't want to go near the Pharmacist, Mr Keen (is that his name?). She didn't like that man, once whenever she was trying to get her medicine, for her anxiety, he had came over to her.

She had come to the pharmacy for the pills she had been prescribed by the doctors, for her anxiety and slight depression.
It was about two weeks after Georgie had gone missing, and she was still extremely upset.
She was browsing through the pills with a sad aura around her, when the pharmacist walked over to her.
"Hello Miss Mia."
"Hello Sir."
She continued to browse the pills.
"Are you still upset? I know what can make you happier."
She turned around to the man, confused.
"How about we have some fun Miss Denbrough?"
He reached out the touch her thigh.
Her face twisted in disgust. She stepped back, knocking over one of the stands and began to run over to the door as she saw her friend Richie walk out the door.
"Hi Mia! Is everything okay."
She was shaking as she saw the older man walk out the door.
She shook her head at Richie.
Mr Kene was outside the door with them.
"Ah Mr Toizer! Come on in."
"Yes Mr Kene. I'll be two minutes."
Mr Kene walked back inside.

"What's wrong Mia?"
Mia shakily told Richie what happened and the boy turned pale.
"Um how about I'll take you home to Bill."
-Flashback over-

Richie looked at Ben.
"Glad I got to meet you before you died."
Mia's face twisted into disgust.
"Richie!" She shoved him and he stumbled, almost falling.
"What? I'm just being realistic!"
She rolled her eyes and he kicked her ankle, causing it to collapse and she fell onto the ground.
"Richie!" She yelled.
He held out his hand and helped her up.
She bent down to Ben,
"You okay? Your not going to faint of anything."
"I'll live, it's just sore."
"You are losing a lot of blood."
She took of her cardigan and ripped of the sleeve.  She handed it to the boy.
"Here, hold that against the wound, it should stop the bleeding, for a bit at least."
"Um, thanks."
She turned to Richie and mumbled to him,
"What's his name?"
"I don't know, ask him!"
"No, you do it."
Richie rolled his eyes.
"Hey kid, What's your name?"
"Uh... it's Ben..."
They nodded as the rest of the boys raced out of the pharmacy carrying the supplies.
Mia raised her eyebrow.
"How did you afford that?"
Bill panicked.
"We... W-well um.."
"We stole it!" Stan blurted our and then covered his mouth quickly.
Richie put a look of fake shock onto his face and tutted at Bill.
"That's a very bad example for your little sister Billy!"
Mia burst out laughing.
"I-I-It's Bill not Billy!"
They all looked towards Mia, apart from Bill.
"What?" Eddie asked, confused.
"It's just-" she giggled, "Richie sound exactly like our mom."
Bill burst out laughing,
"H-he does!"
"Momma Richie." Eddie laughed.

Ben cleared his throat, drawing attention to himself.
"Oh right!" Eddie raced over to him.

-tiny time skip-
"Just suck the wound!" Richie yelled at Eddie.
"I need to focus!" Eddie replies, "just get my bifocals, I hid them in my second fanny pack."
"You have two fanny packs? Why?" Richie asked.
"Just get them... oh thanks Mia," Eddie replied as Mia handed him them with questioning about his fanny packs.
She watched as Bill walked out to the end of the alley, staring intently at something walking down the street. She watched as Beverly came into view.
Beverly was a girl that went to her school and was in her year. There was rumours going about that she was the slut of the school, but Mia never believed rumours until they were confirmed by the person herself.
She smiled, knowing her brother was in love. She could tease him later and as well as that, she now had some ammo for her gun.
"It's still bleeding!" She heard Stan scream.
She turned back around and looked at them.
"I told you to fucking suck the wound! This is 101!"
"I need to concentrate so shut up!" Eddie shouted at both Richie and Stan.
She began to walk over to them, but Beverly got there first.
"Hey are you okay?" She asked Ben.
Ben blushed lightly,
"I'm fine, I Uh... just fell."
She bit her lip, Ben was competition for her brother.
Richie sniggered.
"Yeah, right into Henry Bowers."
"Shut up Richie." Bill muttered.
"What? It's the truth."
Beverly turned to look at ben.
"You sure they got the right stuff to fix you up?"
She winked at Ben, causing him to blush.
Bill interrupted whatever Ben was going to say.
"Okay well we've got him, you've got to go!"
He paused and spoke again.
"And b-b-by the way, we are g-g-going to the quarry tomorrow, maybe we'll s-s-see you there?"
"Yeah, see you."
She walked away and Mia smiled, pulling Bill over to the corner while the rest of the boys argued about who Beverly had done.
She grabbed his hands and twirled him in a circle.
"Billy's got a crush!"
"W-what? No I haven't."
"Yeah you have. And I'm gonna hell you with her, but you don't wanna seem too obvious... every time you blush or do something obvious, I'm gonna make a beep sound. And if that Ben boy even tries to take her off of you-"
Bill interrupted her.
"Hey! I'm meant to be the overprotective one, not you!"
She rolled her eyes and pulled him back to the group.
"Yeah, anyway bill had her back in our grade three play, they say you can't fake that kind of passion." Richie stated.
Ben looked down at the ground, upset and bill blushed slightly.
Everybody turned around and looked at Mia.
Richie had a 'You need help look' Eddie had a worried look, Ben and Stan had a confused look, and bill had a 'Oh you just wait to we get home bitch' look.
"Um..." Ben tried to question but stopped himself.
"What the fuck?" Richie asked.
"Well me and Mia a-are gonna go." Bill said through gritted teeth.
The group looked at the siblings, the cheerful sibling, the angry and embarrassed sibling.
"Um okay?" Eddie said.
"If I die remember me!" Mia shouted as she was dragged off by Bill.

I'm so sorry for the late update... I'm not going to make one of those fake, lazy mistakes that I have something going on I have nothing going on and I honestly just forgot, I'm so sorry.
Anyway just so you know, Mia is determined to get Bill and Beverly together. She might be a bit of a bitch to Ben if he tries to get with Beverly.

IT - Eddie Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora