Stop staring start dancing (eddie x reader

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They watched the multie colored lights and disco ball dance across her as she danced aross the roller rink.
   "O-one of u-u-u-us sh-should go t-talk to her." they all nodded in unions but continued to stare at her. Then Beverly rolled up next to them and looked out on the rink.
  "So what are we staring at?"
They all jumped and turned there backs up against the railing at looked at her.
  "N-nothing!" Bill said.
"This totally hot babe on dancing!" Richie replyed still watching her spin around as she skated past them.
   "Oh hey that's (y/n) she's my neighbor. She's super sweet you guys should go talk to her." they all stared at her again and nodded. She rolled her eyes and went out onto the rink. "(y/n) Hey wait up!" Beverly skated up to her and chatted with her for a moment before they both laughed and continued to skate. (y/n) skated backwards to keep up the convorsation. "(y/n) these are my friends." they both stoped and leaned on the railing the boys where leaned up against.
  "This is Bill,ben,mike,stan,richie and eddie." she ruffled Eddie's hair. "Nice to met you all." she stuck out her hand for one of them to shake but they all jumped at her hand causing each other to fall. Leaving one hand in hers. Eddie felt himself be lifted up by her.
   "Sorry They don't get much attention from girls." She laughed.
"Well maybe you boys will actually come skate instead of standing around." she let go of Eddie's hand and followed bev around the rink.
"I call dibs!"
  "You can't just call dibs richie!"
"Yea Well I just did." richie and stan started to fight while getting on the rink.
   "Who ever gets to her first gets her!" Richie yelled once everyone was on the rink. Everyone's feet slipped and slid under them and eddie being the only one not knowing how to skate fell and slid across the rink. They all managed to catch up with both girls. (y/n) glanced at Eddie And held back a smile.
"Ya know someone would really be my hero if they got me a red iccy." they all started pushing each other racing to get to the food counter.she skated over to eddie and knelt down next to him.
  "Hey spaghetti." she pulled him up and steadied him.
"Ok hold my hand."
  "Wh-what!?" she took his hand in hers. " And just bend your knees and that's it."
She started moving her feet scaring eddie and the sudden moving without him having to do anything. She skated in front of him and took his other hand.
  "Look at you your already a pro at this!"
"Thanks." she smiled at him.
And he melted a little inside.suddenly the music changed. "Wise men say only fool's rush in." (y/n) spun herself around with Eddie's hand and pulled him closer to her and placed his hands on her hips and she put her arms around his neck. Eddie stared at her in a but of awe that a pretty girl was dancing with him.
  "Earth to eds! Hey stop staring and start dancing with me dork."
He laughed.
   "Holy shit look at Eddie."
"No fucking way!" they all raced to the window by the food counter that looked next to the rink and watched the two laughing at each other.
   "T-there s-s-so c-cute" they laughed as eddie attempted to spin her around.
  "Your a great dancer Ed."
"Oh yea." 
Eddie looked down at his skates and smiled.
Riche skated past him and bumped him knocking into (y/n) causing a domino effect. (y/n) laughed underneath eddie. He spotted Beverly and the other boys juestering something to him.
"Well what?" she rolled her eyes and proper herself up on her elbows and kissed him.
  "Whoo go Eddie!"

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