piano girl (reader x beverly)

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Beverly only hung out in the musical and performing arts building to smoke and be alone. She knew the only person who was ever there was a girl who practiced the piano.
She stood in front of the large wall with pictures of kids who had won compations.
She heard the piano stop suddenly then something slam against the keys.
She rushed down the steps and creek the door open that lead to the piano room.
  "Your sister is younger than you and learned this song in two days what's the matter with you!?"
   "I-i just wanted to get it right."
Her voice grew softer with each word.
  "Just do it again!" the girl in front of the piano flinched and turned back to the piano starting the music again. The person bervely assumed was the father turned and left the room through the other door.
  She opened the door and steped inside.
"Wow you really...amazing!" the girl jumped and hit the wrong keyes.
   "Im sorry I didn't mean to scare you."
   "Its ok" her voice was soft and she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
Beverly looked at her face and noticed a faint yet noticable bruise on her cheek. Bev slid into the seat with her. "Hey what happened?" she when to touch it but she moved away.
"I fell yesterday it's ok." 
"I'm Beverly by the way."
The girl smiled and glanced at her.
   "I'm (y/n)." 

"Ok ok. Its super simple Just keep your hand here and- ya! Just like that!" Beverly had convinced (y/n) to dance with her.they had found an old stereo that only played clasical music and they danced. (y/n) was wearing a pretty white Sun dress that looked beautiful when she twirled.
    "I should really get back to work my father will be back soon." Bev looked down.
   "Well I'll see you tomorrow then ok?"
She nodded. Bev took (y/n) face in her hand and made her look her in her eyes. Bev planted a kids on her cheek before running out the door.
The next day Beverly day in one of the upper leave Windows with a smile. When she heard the music again. She sat there and smiled. It was a new tune that her dad must have been making her work on.She sat with her eyes closed and listened to the sound of of the music before she heard a voice.
  It was a bit muffled from where she was but she could make out a few words.
  She want down stairs and opened the door to see (y/n) was alone and working hard on the song while she sang.
Bev slipped into the room and shut the door before gliding across the floor to her.
   "Wise men say only fool's rush in. But I can't help-"
   "Falling in love with you."
She leaned over (y/n) and she looked up at the redhead.
   "You've got this song in the bag!"
    "Thanks." she was smiling and looked a lot less stressed like she had yesterday.
   "Try it!"
"No I really can't pl-"
(y/n) got up from the bench and stood behind her She too bevs hands and started to teach her how to play.
   "But I can't help-"
"Falling in love"
"With you." they sang the last two word together while looking into each others eyes.
   "You should take a break."
"Ok." Bev stood up and took (y/n) hands and twirled her around. Before pulling her in and kissing her.

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