Blue jay babe (stan x reader)

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   She like drawing it was her escape. She sat on the edge of the quarry with her legs dangling over the edge working on a sketch of her surroundings. She was there alone with nothing but a lunch her music and her sketchbook. She reached over to take a hand full of trail mix before she could bring it to her mouth something landed on her hand.she turned and saw a blue Jay eating the oats from her hand. Her face light up and she pulled her head phones from her head and placed her sketch book down and turned and looked at him. "Hey there little guy." she put some more oats in her hand and watched the bird happily chirp and eat. She would whistle a small tune and the bird would whistle back.
  He liked bird's Though he was never really sure why maybe he liked the thought of being free like a bird. He was out by the quarry bird watching as usual he would sit and listen to them singing. Then he heard a giggle followed by a whistle. He followed the sound and stopped when he saw the bright blue feathers. He smiled and his eyes traveled up the arm that was feeding the bird and stood in awe.She was prettier than any bird he had ever seen. He watched her as She stood up. And set the bird down in front of a small pile of oats.she slowly gathered her things And backed up twords him. Then before he could move She bumped into him.

  "Oh shit!" she turned to face him.
  "I'm sorry I didn't know anyone else was here."
"No I'm sorry I should have moved or let you know I was here!" she smiled at him and he have a shy smile back. She suddenly turned around.
  "Damn it!"
" I'm sorry." she turned back to him. "Its no problem it was bound to fly away anyways. That moment was a little to Disney
To be real." He chuckled.
"Oh uh I'm (y/n)" She took his hand and shook it.
  "I'm uhhh..." He couldn't find the words he was looking for when he was talking to her and got lost in her eyes. "Well uhhh it's a pleasure to meet you."
  She laughed letting go of his hand.
"Wait? Oh no! My names not uh its-I'm s-stan."
"It's very nice to meet you. Hows about you but me some ice cream for scaring way my blue bird." He nodded and they started walking into town.
  "Atually that wasn't a blue bird it was a blue Jay."
   "Ah! My mistake So... Ya like bird's?" she teased him making him laugh.
   "Please shed some wisdome about bird's on me."
  "On well..." She reajusted the strap on her bag and pulled his hand as he talked making sure he didn't trip. Once they where in town she listened to what he had to say and kept her hand in his.

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