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hey everybody! i'm so sorry that i haven't updated in a while, i just started my second semester of college and have been very, very busy and stressed out, so the stuff i have been posting recently is stuff that i had already drafted. hopefully in the next coming days i will have more time, but right now things are really hectic. i've been going through so much. that being said, please don't give up on me :) i'm working on it, i promise. love you all, i hope you enjoy this chapter, please vote if you do! also, feel free to leave ideas for this story, as it's taken me so long to come up with new ideas, all of this school work has fried my creativity :/

<harry's pov>

i drove to school on monday, and got a text from the guys i got my weed from, saying to meet them behind the bleachers again before school. i grabbed my backpack, and got out of my car, locking the door as i headed in the opposite direction as all of the other students. i didn't give hannah a ride today because she said that she was feeling sick. i made a mental note to remind myself to stop by and see her after i get home from school. maybe i should bring her food or something? girls like that shit, right?

i walked over to the bleachers, awkwardly crawling underneath them when i saw matt, one of the guys in the group, motioning for me to come over. "hey guys, what's up? why did you want to see me?" i asked them. one of the other guys, james, took a step forward, so he stood in front of me now. "i see you've got a girl now, yeah? she's a keeper huh? real sexy if you ask me, i may just pay her a visit sometime.." he said to me, trailing his sentence off. what the fuck? "excuse me?" i asked, confused as to why he was bringing up hannah, and why he would say something like that about her when he knew we just started going out. "you know man, you could be a big help to us. we've only got four guys at the school who sell, and we need you to be the fifth. nothing too crazy, just some pot and a few other types of shit. you in?" he asked me. wait, what? he wanted me to join them in their little drug dealing gang? literally all i wanted was just some weed, i didn't even smoke all of it, i wasn't a drug dealer! i didn't even do drugs! "uh, no man. sorry about that," i said while chuckling awkwardly. "it's just not going to happen, sorry. i'm not that type of guy, my parents would freak the hell out, and i really need to do well in school this year, see you around though," i said to them, walking away. james grabbed me by the arm tightly, yanking me back. "i think that's where you forgot to see the point... it wasn't really a question. we've got proof of you buying from us, which, may i remind you, is a very serious crime around here. we also know your address, and that pretty little girl of yours. maybe we could stop by and see her after we're done with you? how does that sound, harry?" james threatened me with a smirk, and i snapped. i grabbed his shoulders and pushed him to the ground, getting on top of him and punching him in his jaw, again, and again, and again. he was bleeding from his nose and his mouth, and my knuckles were covered in his blood when i was finally pulled away by the two guys he was with.

i was brought into the principals office, and given a week of suspension. james only got two days, because i told them that he had lured me there, and that he was tempting me to start a fight. the principal sent me home for the day, and told me to come back in a week, and i better have learned my lesson about how violence is not the answer, or some stupid shit like that. i thanked him for not calling anybody to come pick me up, my parents didn't need to know what was going on, and left school. my phone vibrated as i started driving, and i saw that one of the guys who was there with matt and james had texted me. his name was dave, and he was the only one who didn't say a single word the whole time we were talking this morning, and the time before when i met them. i stopped at the next red light, and read his message.

dave: make the right choice, we believe in you. dissociate yourself from the girl, and she won't be involved, she'll stay unharmed. it won't be that hard i don't think. besides, don't you think she would be disappointed if she knew about your little... side business?

i drove to hannah's house as quickly as i could, knowing that the only way i could keep her safe was to just break up with her, and tell her as little as possible. she wouldn't believe me if i told her what had really happened this morning. i knew if i told her what had happened, she would be afraid of me because of what they asked me. i knew she would also be scared because i hurt him pretty bad, and he wasn't even fighting back. if she stayed away from me, nothing bad would happen, at least not to her....

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