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the next chapters will be longer i promise, this is just stuff to set the stage for the next few chapters so it makes more sense! i don't want you all to be confused as to why harry is saying these things lmao, he will explain it, don't worry!

<harry's pov>

i can't believe i actually just said that stuff to her. what the fuck was wrong with me? i know the guys told me that i had to break up with her to get the job done, but could i have done it in any shitter of a way? probably not. i finished smoking, and threw it down on the concrete, smashing it underneath my shoe as i walked back inside, slamming the front foor. fuck! hannah probably hates me now, which i know is what the guys want, but at least they won't go after her, since this whole thing is sort of my fault...

my phone started ringing and i looked down, seeing that it was from james. that fucking asshole, even just seeing his name makes me sick now. i picked it up, "what do you want james?" i asked him while gritting in my teeth in anger. "i see you've broken up with your girl, what a shame. it's alright, she was holding you back anyway," he said. i could feel him laughing through the phone. "what do you want, james?" i repeated, a bit louder this time. i really wasn't in the mood for any of his bullshit. "you've got one more sell, and then you're done. we've got other people to help us out, you're causing us too much trouble already," he said. i hung up the phone quickly. does that i mean i can get back with hannah? wait, would she even want me back at this point? i said so many mean things to her, i basically told her that i was leaving her becuase she wouldnt 'do anything for me' which is beyond fucked up, and false, might i add as well. i called hannah's call phone, but she didn't pick up, not that i was surprised. i called james back, realizing that i never even asked him when or where the last deal was. he told me that it was going to be behind the building next to the school, in two hours. i hung up the phone and went to my room, sitting on my bed. my curtains were open, but hannah's weren't this time. i tried calling her again, but she didn't answer. the only good thing was that after this deal, i would be able to see her again, so i could explain everything that happened and why i said what i did, and then we will be fine. i know we will be fine, because she really likes me.

when it was about fifteen minutes before i was supposed to do the deal, i got in my car, with the stuff in one of my pockets. i pulled up to where james said to meet, and sure enough, there was a sketchy ass looking guy standing in the parking lot area. i walked over to him and handed him the bag, as he gave me the cash for it. he nodded his head and said thanks, before walking off somewhere as i got back into my car. i drove back to my house, pulling up into the drive way. i walked over to her house and knocked on the door, but nobody answered. i knocked again, and again, and again, but there was no reply. her house was totally silent. i walked back to my house, sighing, and went back up to my room. i texted her, but it said delivered, and she never opened the message. i never realized how boring the weekends were without her until she had actually left...

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