0.2 I Don't Like This Place

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The newly founded team of teenager heroes watched an explosion go off inside the Cadmus lab. It caused two scientists to fall out of the window. Kid Flash ran forward to go catch them before they hit the ground. He ran them up onto the roof and after they were safe Wally slipped and fell, grabbing the ledge before he could fall to the ground.

"So smooth," Robin made fun of Wally's fall.

"Does he always have to run ahead?" Aqualad asked us. Lily shrugged, not knowing how to tell him that it was true. "We need a plan. Wait, Robin?"

Lily looked over in confusion when Aqualad spoke. As usual, Robin had disappeared from beside them. "I hate it when he does that."

And without another word Lily pulled out an arrow with a grappling end and shot it at the building. She climbed through the window Robin and Kid Flash disappeared through. Inside, Robin was looking at a computer. Lily walked over to join them.

"Appreciate the help," Aqualad said sarcastically as he climbed in through the window after helping the scientists down.

"You handled it. Besides, we're here to investigate; poetic justice, remember?" She heard the ding of an elevator door and watched Aqualad go investigate. The remaining three walked over as Robin pulled up information about it.

"Elevator should be shut down."

That's weird. Lily thought to herself, not bothering to voice the obvious.

"This is wrong," Robin spoke up, still looking at his holographic computer. "Thought so. This is a high-speed express elevator; doesn't belong on a two-story building."

That's weirder.

"Neither does what I saw."

A confused look glossed over Lily as she tried to figure out what was going on. This definitely couldn't be a normal genetics lab.

Aqualad used his strength to force the elevator doors open and they all peered down the elevator shaft. Down, and down, and down. It looked like it never ended.

"And that's why they needed an express elevator."

"This place seems really sketchy. There is no reason a building needs all these underground floors." Despite Lily's worry, she was excited to see what was down there. This was definitely worth Batman's suspicion. She and Robin pulled out grappling hooks and attached it to the top of the elevator shaft. They all lowered down until the grappling hooks stopped.

"I'm out of rope."

"Same, guess this is our stop." Lily swung the rope until she could jump off onto the ledge of another elevator door. Next to the door, it said sub-level 26. She looked down into the abyss and still couldn't see the end.

"By-passing security...there. Go!" Robin hacked the systems and Aqualad pried open the doors. They all stepped onto the solid floor and looked around.

"Welcome to Project Cadmus," Robin said as Wally ran down the hall. Aqualad called after him to wait but he didn't listen. He finally stopped when a giant creature almost stepped on him. Lily didn't even know what the creatures were. Kid Flash ran back to join the group.

"No, nothing odd going on here." The sarcasm oozed out of Aqualad's mouth as the group continued to look around. Lily followed the group as they carefully maneuvered down the hall until they reached a room.

The walls were lined with tanks filled with creatures. They all seemed unconscious, but Lily kept her guard up for any sign of movement.

"Okay, I'm officially whelmed."

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