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Taes POV

I sit there like a statue, biting my lip, trying not to "affect" him anymore. I think he got what he wanted, to make me uncomfortable.

By the time we reach Jin's house I feel like my lip is bleeding from the biting. I'm the first one to jump out, ready to get away from Jungcreep, and enjoy Jin's cooking. Jimin joins me as we race inside not bothering to wait for Jin to catch up. I beat Jimin to the door and walk in like it's our house.

Jin's parents divorced and gave him a place to live by himself once he turned 18. Now it's like a safe space for our group of friends, which really only consists of me, Jimin, Namjoon, and Jin. Sometime Namjoon would bring over J-hope but he only really hangs out with the alphas. But I guess now we have two weirdos in our group. Hopefully me and Jimin can survive.

I notice Jungkook slipping into a bathroom right when everyone else enters.

Without even realizing, I started to smile.

J-Hopes POV

I'm walking home right now since I don't have any real friends to invite me places. I mean I have Namjoon but he already has best friends. The other alphas I hang out with only use me to do things for them. I hate being a beta. Not strong enough to be an alpha but not cute enough to be an omega. I'm just eh. The boring middle ground. I'm usually around only alphas because my inner wolf feels at peace, like I'm pleased being there if they need me. I don't like hanging out with omegas too much it makes me feel self conscious, there usually so cute and perfect, yeah they are seen as the weakest, but they are usually the most cared of by the alphas.

I feel like I'm being followed... I feel someone's gaze on me. Trying to be nonchalant, I slowly turn my head around. A little ways in the distance I catch a silhouette stepping behind a street light. Without stopping I turn a corner and stand in the empty alleyway. I stand there ready to catch anyone who may have been following me.

After a about 10 minutes of nothing I look around the corner and nothing's there. Ugh, I know someone one was following me. I'm just gonna have to be more aware from now on.

Youngjaes POV

I needed to see him, my mate. Since finding him my urge to be with him has gotten worse. I'm sure it's not like that with him since he didn't know who I am.

I started to mask my scent, I know it might seem a little mean of me not to let him know I'm his mate but I'm sure he would reject me anyways. I'm too scared to let him smell me, too scared to see his disappointment.

I saw him right as he turned out of the school gates. I said goodbye to my friends and start to follow J-hope. I can't help but admire him, he's so hot. It looks like he doesn't even care, with messy hair and baggy clothes, but he makes the outfit work. I wonder why he's by himself? I'm pretty sure he has a lot of friends. Actually now that I think about it I've only seen him around alphas, but he always looked distant like he's present but not really there. Maybe he's lonely?  Boy.... I would take care of him soooo much. No.... no way!! That can't be it he's like a ray of sunshine most of the time, who wouldn't want to be his friend, or...... boyfriend. I'm sure there's lines of people who want him. I don't stand a chance.

The thought started to cross my mind that following him like this might be a little creepy. I start to slow down about to turn around. When I see J-Hope start to turn his head, I'm a little stunned not sure what to do. Until I glance over and saw a light pole I quickly step over behind it.

Damn it! I'm sure he saw me. But when I look back he's turning a corner heading towards an ally. Okay I DEFINITELY need to leave, before he actually sees me and thinks I'm a creep.


Okayyy really short chapter I knowwww but I really wanted to update and I think I'm gonna update again today.

Sorry I've been gone I just lost hope for my writing skills but then I saw I have like 50 reads!!!!!!!! I'm sooo happy, even though I'm sucky a few people are actually reading this!!!!

Side note: I'm starting to really like the J-Hope and Youngjae story. For some reason I feel like I would act like Youngjae is lol😂

Soooo if you're reading this then Hiiiiii your amazing😘😘😘

Kay I'll go nowww 🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵

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