Chapter 3: At Tokyo, Japan

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While on the plane, everyone were still worried about Jaejoong’s lost phone but since they knew there’s nothing they can do about it they decided not to worry so much and just focused on the big day ahead of them. There were more work waiting in Japan and a few hours of plane trip was their only chance to rest.

Yunho yawned and when he realized he couldn’t keep his eyes open any longer he decided to sleep. A few hours later Jaejoong who was sitting beside him noticed him sleeping with his mouth open. Jaejoong tilted Yunho's seat and covered his face with a towel. Changmin whose been eating since the plane took off saw it and smiled. He was sitting beside Junsu and across the other three members.

"Yunho never fails to embarrass me. Really…" Jaejoong said. Junsu laughed at this. His high-pitched dolphin voice made other people sitting beside them glance their way.

On the other hand, Yoochun who was sitting on Jaejoong’s left was playing with his phone camera and making funny faces. A flight steward saw this and told Yoochun that phones should be turned off during the flight. Of course he knows it. He said sorry but when the steward left he resumed what he was doing. Jaejoong thought it was fun so he came to join him afterwards.

Junsu noticed Changmin eating and said, "Really Changmin, when are you gonna stop eating?"

"Junsu hyung, it’s like asking you when are you going to stop those oyaji gags." The maknae retorted back.

"Do you think I'm doing them because I wanted to?" Changmin laughed. Yoochun and Jaejoong were just watching Junsu and Changmin's verbal fight with amusement.



Narita Airport

Tokyo, Japan

The moment their plane landed they started speaking in Japanese. Although they are only talking among each other they make it a point to speak in Japanese whenever they are in Tokyo. But once they’re back in Seoul they have to speak Korean again. It’s not that hard for them to speak different languages, being fluent in both.

Yunho's phone started ringing. The call was from their manager. “Manager-san?" Yunho said to the man on the other line.

"Have you arrived?"


"Good. You have a scheduled appearance this afternoon. I expect you all to be at FujiTV in 2 hours."

Yunho stared at the other members who looked like they would rather stay at home lying in bed for the rest of the day than appear in some Japanese TV show. Yunho wanted to tell their manager to cancel their schedules for the day so they can rest. But he knew better than that. Years of experience taught him never to complain.

After sighing hard he said, "Wakarimashita." He said goodbye then he hung up. He’s the leader of TVXQ. But he’s only that. He wished he’s more than that but he’s not. He’s not as powerful as Lee Soo Man who can make everyone work for days without rest and still get no complaints except for a few curses spoken behind his back.

After cursing Lee Soo Man for a millionth time in his mind Yunho said to the other members, "Minna. There's work waiting. Ganbarimashou."

"Can't we at least get something to eat first, hyung?" Changmin asked.

"Alright. Let's grab some food first." Yunho agreed.

"It’s good to have some Hitsumabushi for lunch, don’t you think guys?" Jusu suggested but in the end no one listened to him and they ended up eating ramen.

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