Chapter 29: Goodbye

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In the middle of a busy airport Seohyun sat silently while waiting for her flight that would take her to New York, a place which she never been into. She was scared and worried and most of all sad. She was forced to live a life she never wanted.

A few weeks ago after the news about Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu also known as JYJ filing a lawsuit against SME, Seohyun made a deal with her father. She will marry Jung Yonghwa just like her father wanted but in return her father should never do anything to make JYJ’s life miserable. Her father being the powerful owner of one of the biggest talent agency in South Korea will surely be able to stop any kind of lawsuit or bad publicity the company would face. And JYJ who are nothing but artists working under her father will always be at the losing end.

Everything is going all wrong. All she ever wanted was to be with the person she loves for the rest of her life.

She's doing what her father told her to do but it's not because she was running away and neither was it because she was afraid of the consequences. She just knew that it was the right thing for her to do, for jaejoong's sake and hers.

She just had to do something and this is the only option she has.

“I’m going to marry you,” she told Yonghwa.

“What made you change your mind?” he was filled with curiosity from her sudden change of attitude.

“You said you’re going to make me fall in love with you right? I wanted to give you a chance.” She said almost like begging. It’s like saying, ‘I’m going to marry you against my will so please help me fall in love with you so this will not be as hard as it already is’. She was desperate and she needed every help she can get to make this ordeal more bearable.

Yong Hwa promised to give her a year. He convinced her father to let her study abroad and finish her studies before they started making plans for the wedding. Lee Soo Man agreed. Within that span of one year Yong Hwa promised he will make her fall in love with him.

A week before her flight she called Mika.

“Mika..." There are so many words left unspoken and she wonders if Mika still considers her as a friend after all the lies she made but Seohyun badly needed a friend and Mika was the first one that came up on her mind.

“Seohyun-ah?” Mika asked knowing something is definitely wrong with her friend. They haven’t talked in months after that day when they went to Tohoshinki’s concert and she went on a date with Jaejoong afterwards, she hadn’t seen or heard about Seohyun ever since. She heard news about Seohyun being the daughter of SME’s CEO and it was a big surprise for her but it didn’t change the fact that Seohyun is and will forever be her friend.

“I’m going to New York.” Seohyun said.


“Because my father wanted me to study there." she told her about the deal they had. Mika couldn’t say anything. She doesn’t know what to advice. She knew that whatever choice her friend makes she will be at the losing end.

The call didn’t solve Seohyun’s problems but it did help her feel a little bit better. Somehow it’s good to know there is someone she could trust.

She stood up from where she was sitting. It’s only a few minutes left before her boarding time. She can’t be late if she doesn’t want her father to cancel the deal. In a distance she saw three men walking towards the opposite direction from where she was supposed to go. It didn’t take a while before she recognized them. Her heart started beating fast and she found herself following them. Her steps are heading towards the direction the men were going.

She missed that oh so familiar voice and his long strides made with grace. She missed everything about him, the person who owns her heart. She studied him from a distance and before she could do anything that she will regret someone grabbed her arm and pulled her behind the wall away from their sight.

“Park Min Yeong-shi,” she’s almost in tears. Park Min Yeong shook her head telling her not to do anything stupid. Seohyun knew she was right. With heavy steps, she left the scene and walked towards the boarding gate and away from Jaejoong, the love of her life.

After hours of being on board a plane, she finally reached New York. Just outside the arrival area, a smiling face of the person she knew so well greeted her. She ran towards her friend and gave her a tight hug.

"Mika," she uttered. Tears were streaming down her face.

"Yah! We’re beginning to look like idiots you know," Mika said with a chuckle.

Seohyun didn’t budge an inch and just continued to hug her friend. "Let me stay like this for awhile," Seohyun said with tears falling like waterfalls on her face. Mika gave her a light tap on her back in a comforting way. Having someone to lean on is really a good thing. 

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