7 - Some Obligatory Dramatic Irony

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I can't sleep.

Message sent to Chris at 02:06 am.

You woke meup just to tell me tgat?

Message received at 02:07 am.

You were asleep? It's Saturday

Message sent to Chris at 02:07 am.

I could say the same thing toyou

Message received at 02:08 am.

Yeah okay but I have to call my trainee actor tomorrow morning. What's your excuse?

Message sent to Chris at 02:08 am.

I forgot you were doing that. What's their name?

Message received at 02:09 am.

Says it's a Samantha Miller

Message sent to Chris at 02:10 am.

A girl? Remember to keep it in your pants, Seb

Message received at 02:11 am.

Hey! I'm not a pervert.

Message sent to Chris at 02:12 am.

Are you sure about that? ;)

Message received at 02:12 am.

Positive. She's lucky she's getting me and not you

Message sent to Chris at 02:13 am.

You're right on that, you're a much better teacher than I am

Message received at 02:14 am.

Thanks man

Message sent to Chris at 02:14 am.

Oh! I almost forgot, guess who I saw this morning

Message sent to Chris at 02:15 am.


Message received at 02:16 am.


Message sent to Chris at 02:17 am.

I woke up ten minutes ago I really don't know

Message received at 02:18 am.

Come on Chris, it's so blatantly obvious. Someone who you wouldn't expect but at the same time it's so cliche

Message sent to Chris at 02:18 am.

Oh my god was it slushy girl?!

Message received at 02:19 am.


Message sent to Chris at 02:19 am.

That's so fucking weird

Message received at 02:20 am.

I know...she was at LSCA

Message sent to Chris at 02:21 am.

Really? Do you think she works there?

Message received at 02:22 am.

I don't think so. Steph didn't say anything to her

Message sent to Chris at 02:22 am.

Was she at the shoot or was she just hanging around

Message received at 02:23 am.

The little chow puppy they got was breaking everything and I guess she heard the noise and came to look

Message sent to Chris at 02:23 am.

A chow chow? I'm looking forward to seeing those pictures

Message received at 02:24 am.

It wasn't my idea, trust me. The little bastard was cute though

Message sent to Chris at 02:25 am.

The girl was cute too, if you're wondering

Message sent to Chris at 02:25 am.


Message sent to Chris at 02:27 am.

You've fallen asleep haven't you

Message sent to Chris at 02:31 am.

Night, jerkface

Message sent to Chris at 02:34 am.


Thank you for reading! Short chapter, I know, but I've been having a writer's block at the moment. Updates every Sunday! 

Love,  Elizabeth x

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