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A public place is somewhere she doesnt want to be. I dont think I can do this.  She whispered to herself. Feeling that all eyes are focused on her, she cant breathe. The room getting smaller as every moment goes by. Five minutes go by but feels like an eternity. Happy place, go to your happy place.  She muttered to herself.  She gazed at nothing, in particular, hoping to get far away from her dreadful experience.

    Hurry, let's go we are going to be late. Pick up the pace. Her friends shouted as they ran through the crowd. The girls pushed and shoved through the sea of bodies. They are running late for their performance, you can hear slapping on their feet on the concrete pocketa- pocketa-pocketa as they run through the crowded street. Finally, we made it. I cant believe that we are here our first live performance! She screamed with excitement to her friends. Finally, now it was their turn to be on stage, here they were, the band on the rise. They were about to start their set and the girls could hear fans calling out their name.

    Hey, Hey HEY! Her friends screeched at her as she was pulled out of her trance. The line is moving, it is our turn.  Her friend turned around excitedly.  As they got their tickets they searched for empty seats in the crowded area. Once they spotted the empty seats they set their belongings down. Ill be right back, Im going to the restroom. She notified her friends. Still feeling as if all eyes are on her as she went off to find the bathroom. The eyes on her were as if she was a magnet and they were drawn to her by force like she was the odd one out.  Finally, she found the restroom and she let out a breath that she didnt even know she was holding in. I really dont think I can be here. She sighed. She looked into the mirror telling herself I can do this, I can do this! Walking out of the bathroom with the most confidence she has ever felt in a long time, she strutted over to her friends and sat down. Feeling as if the weight of the world just falls off her shoulders. She looked up at her friends as if they were having the time of their lives and decided to join them. She thought to herself,  Wow maybe our dream can really become reality, we can do this. She looked up to the band on stage, while she slipped back into the same daydream which she hopes becomes reality.

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