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Dear Journal,

Today is September 12th 3030. I suppose I should be happy but I'm not. I ruined an innocent girl's life.  Margot was looking forward to seeing the giant ball of fire we call the sun. I can't  believe that arrogant boy William would push her in the closet, but to your dismay, he wasn't the only one. I was the lookout. I wait for the teacher to show so it would look like nothing happened. I thought nothing of it at the time. Whats the worst that could happen, no big deal right? Wrong. I was so disappointed in myself. Never in my life would I think about doing that to her. She was anticipating on seeing the sun. she never did anything to me, so why would I do something so cruel? Once I saw that the sun was coming out, I was so thrilled that I forgot about Margot. I FORGOT ABOUT HER. HOW COULD I DO THAT! Goodness, I'm so mad at myself how could I do that to someone. But for the time being, I was so ecstatic. The feeling of the warm sun on my frail face. I finally understood why Margot looked forward to the warmth of the sun cascading on her face. I feel so bad I don't think I could ever forgive myself for what I did. Her doleful face killed me when she walked out of that closet.

Sadly sincerely

~ H.M.T

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