Plans for the Future

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"Happy Birthday Charlie, Emily and Elizabeth!!!"

It had been nine years since we were rescued. We were taken pity  on and then adopeted into the govener's family.  Now not only were me and charlie godesses,  but were were now treated as sutch. I have to admit, Life in the Govener's household  was not as glamourous as I had hoped. Everyone was constantly watching us.

Our only piece and quiet was when we went on a stroll on the beach. But even then our newly adopted sister would have to tag along. there we practiced our skilles and traind our selves to become full fleged godesses. By the time we were forteen, I could talk to the sea and make it do what ever I wanted, Charlie could make anything apear out of nowere  and fall from the sky every were. she could also see and hear anything from miles away. And both of us could make any man, no mater how reserved or hard harted, fall over himself in love with us.

Now we were nineteen, the age wether we chose to acept our role as godesses, or lose our Imortality and powers. It's also the age when we stop ageing, we would need to remove ourselfes from the company of others soon, because If anyone knew that we were what we were, Well, let's say that there are more ways for a godess to lose there powers.

     I sat dow with Charlie that morning to descuss our fate ahead.

" I beleve that we need to put away our welcome, for soon we shall find that we hae overstayed it." I warned

"But do we have to leave our family? The will morn our" She made quotasion marks with her fingers "Passing"

I closed my eyes for a moment, the govener had been more of a father to me than my own father had been, It would be hard to just leave without saying goodbye. " It is better to be morned for your death by your family, than to have your family insure it."

Charle tried to push away the truth, but I know that she knew that it was true. " The Govener wouldn't!"

I nodded gravely " Our adoptive father's life revolves around his politics, and he has many influential alies, alies who beleive that the sea belongs to man, they will turn him against us."

"Then we run away?" she asked with defence " Where would we go?"

"we will not run away, we will stage an abduction, and we will take to the seas with our suposed captors."

"and how will we do that?" she calmed down, now intrested 

"the seas have told me that just before our birthday celebration the pirate crew of the Adablia will attack the north beach, Near Port Royal. all we need to do is take a stroll."

"Fine, lets do this." she agreed with mischif

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