Family Reunion

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We sailed on throughout the night and well into the next day, and I realized that I preferred to be out in the salty air than down below in the brig, you get to see more of the sea.

The sea was a bright turquoise, and the sun seamed to explode at the point where it touched the ocean, sparkles of light softly danced on the waves as they rose and fell with the tide, And where the sun met the sky, rays of light spread across the pale clouds like yellow icing, and every spark seemed to reflect a mirror image of the sun; The sky illuminated with every spark of light mustered.

I let out a long pleasurable sigh

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it luv?” Jack asked, putting his arm around me

I sighed again, this time because of jack’s closeness, I stared into his eyes with a dreamy look plastered on my face “Yeah, I have always been mystified by the beauty of the big blue”

“Aye, The sea is my beloved and It treats old jack with kindness” Seeing me blanch and lose my loving look, he hesitantly added “but although my first love be the sea, I believe that someone has still stolen my heart”

“Such a woman must be extraordinary, to have a beauty and grace that could surpass even the sea.”

For the first time jack’s good humour sobered and he regarded my with a seriousness that scared me.

“This woman is extraordinary, luv, she has eyes that are a stormy blue, misted with a sea green that Is like the sea after a storm, her Hair is as smooth as the shoreline and resembles the sand that resides there. Her very nature is as alluring and tempting as the waves, she beckons me to succumb to my desires, supports my antics and celebrates my conquests.” He kissed my neck and worked his way up to my ear, his mustache tickled and I giggled like a love sick child, his hot breath warmed me as it came out in a hushed whisper “Her name is Emily and she is my goddess, my being and my everything”

I kissed him sensually, Lost In his embrace and drunk on his salty skin

The passion I felt overwhelmed me and I felt tears of joy stream down my cheeks; For the first time, I felt loved by someone.

“I Love you.” I confessed, my lower lip quivering with emotion.

“Right back at you luv.” He said kissing me again

Out of the blue, a faint, ghostly sound begin to emanate from the sea, tearing us apart in confusion. It was haunting and sad but something about it made my heart flutter and drew me towards the edge of the boat.

“The scaly tails know were here.” Jack whispered

"The what?!" I whispered with force

"Mirmaids, and lots of them, they guard the ilse de sirena, "

"But don't we need whats under the isle?"

"Aye, luv, we need to have an audience with the sirens, and their councel of Mir-folk"

"Under the Isle?"


 I was going to ask more questions but Jack silenced me,

"Listen..." His voice was hushed and shaken  

I stood still and quiet, takeing in the harrowing melody of the Siren's song,

"Their closer...Get your sister."


Me, Jack and Charlie, sat togetther in the row boat alowing our selfves to be carried with the tied, watching in awe as a mist formed in frontof us, and from the mist an isle.

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