The Pivoting Story

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The kite of night kisses life again

While the bright flower descended

Pivoting story of the night and day

But in every of it

Channels a sweet or bitter tale

From every humble creation

What's with your eyes tonight?

Are you in good spirit?

Smiling innocently like an infant

Only just by calling the baby's name

Maybe you are

And the story within it creates

A gentle lullaby

Swinging you while you're

Hugging your spongy pillow

Swinging you, till your eyes

Closes for a good night sleep

What's with your eyes tonight?

Are they crafting silent rain?

Longing to be blind to see no truth

Because truth hurts

Maybe you are

As you recently lost some important gems

And no sweet lullaby can ever

Fill the thirst, none for the night

Turning your pillow back and forth

Till you succumb to the inevitable

Little death

But as long as the enormous bright flower

Swim its way to the flying ocean

The kite of the night

Need to rest

Surely, morning will ascend

And the story will pivot once again

January 16, 2018

Mysterious Aries

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