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Blinky's p.o.v

Vendel has called for us. I worried that he would question us about master Jim's speech about the killahead bridge.

Aaarrrggh stood there by my side as we explained ourselves to Vendel. We talked at how master Jim thought he saw something. Still Vendel continued to shake his head no, before dismissing us.

We had walked out of the little alley way only to notice that Fay was gone.


Fay trotted around trollmarket for awhile until she came across Draal.
She stopped mid-step and just stared at him. They shared this moment in silence and fear. Fay didn't know what to do so she just galloped away from him in fear, that she would become a punching bag. Draal looked down sadly seeing the one he threatened run away. As Fay galloped through Trollmarket her antlers got caught up on something. She stood up on her hind legs to shake whatever was caught on. She heard a snap and her blanket fell off. She looked over to where some Christmas lights once were, but the cord was snapped. As she looked around, she heard each clink as each of the bulbs it her antlers. Fear flowed within her, as she galloped through some shops,, trying to escape the clinking and clattering of the lights around her antlers. Slowly she made her way in a circle to where she began.

Blinky has stumbled across her cover blanket and heard her galloping. He stood there waiting to hear where her hooves were hitting. Aaarrrggh caught on to her scent and saw her running towards them.He protectively stood in front of Blinky and was ready to catch Fay. She was trying to pull the Christmas lights off but they got even more tangled. She looked up to see hands and she tried to stop but she slid towards Aaarrrggh. He caught her in time and just managed to set her down on her hooves.

Fay stopped messing with the lights and hugged Aarrrggh's arm. Blinky came around with her cover and placed it over her backside. Aaarrrggh had patted her back to let her know that everything was okay. Fay finally looked up at both of them and was reminded that she still had lights around her antlers.

" Please help me! I can't get these things off!" Fay pleaded as she began to tug on the cord of lights.

" Calm down Fay. We need you to be calm." Blinky said to Fay " Lets go get the lights off of you."

The three walked through trollmarket before noticing that Jim and Toby had come with tacos to share.

" I brought tacos!" Toby celebrated

" And I bought them." Jim reminded him.

The five stepped into Blinky's main library and gathered around the stone table. Fay trotted next to Aaarrrggh and sat next to him. She was still trying to calm down. Toby had set the bag of tacos in the middle of the table. Aaarrrggh took the bag and sniffed it before handing it out to Blinky who took two tacos. He offered one to Fay but she politely declined. She could tell from the scent, that it wasn't good for her digestive system. Blinky and Aaarrrggh ate tacos with Jim and Toby, while Fay sat there. Jim helped her get the lights off her antlers.

" Thank you" Fay thanked him

She stood up with a smile and felt her antlers. She felt free once more. She looked over at the others and smiled. She was happy. Just then fart sounded and everyone when silent. Fay was trying so hard not to laugh, instead she just looked at Blinky, who had a embarrassed expression. Aaarrrggh's eyes soon went wide and then back to normal. He started to whistle while Fay just looked at him and covered her nose. The others soon smelled it too and plugged their noses. Blinky just gave him the ' really?' look. Fay couldn't take it anymore. She just bursted out laughing and soon everyone joined in too.

Laughter had died down ever since Vendel entered the room. He looked at Fay and then towards the others.

"Who is she?" Vendel asked the group

" Ah Vendel, this is Fay, she is the fairy from the crystal" Blinky explained to him

" If she's a fairy, where is her wings?" Vendel walked over to Fay skeptically.

" I've never had wings, Just these." Fay answered as she pointed to her antlers.

The group just stared at her with interest. Vendel poked her back leg with his staff and Fay stepped back. She didn't dare to kick the elder troll. She stood there bravely as he inspected her.

" Come with me Fay." Vendel said as he walked out of Blinky's library.

Fay hesitated for a moment before following the peach troll. As she left she looked at Blinky worriedly. He nodded for her to follow.

Fay caught up with Vendel outside the library.

" So young Fay, how did you survive?"

"What do you mean?"

" You were encased within the crystal I found you in." He explained " I'm curious, what do you remember about your past life?"

Fay stops in the middle of their walk only to think.

" I remember being treated differently because I had these." Fay pointed at her antlers " That and during the war everyone left for battle. I was the only one left to protect the homes of my fairy village. "

Vendel stopped and watched her closely.

" I remember becoming depressed and lonely at some point of time. I think it was when I realized that everyone wasn't coming back." Fay told him " I blacked out when a fire had started and realized that the pixies were coming to raid our homes. I did my best to protect myself."

Vendel only nodded. He seemed curious about her whereabouts. He would ask around about her later. Right now he had to find her a home.

" Blinky and Aaarrrggh having been living together. " Vendel said as Fay trotted next to him, " I've seen you with them. Do you like being in that small of a cave?"

" It's kind of cramped but I don't mind it. " Fay sheepishly rubbed her arm.

" There is an extra home I can offer to you but, since your not troll.." He gestures " You'll need to pay."

Fay thinks for awhile

" Give me a three days to think about it." Fay made a deal

" Three days, I will have an answer from you." Vendel said

The two parted their ways. Vendel returning to the Heartstone and Fay trotting back to Blinky's place. Yes, she liked Blinky and Aaarrrggh but she didn't know how to feel when they were all together. She didn't want to move away because she liked helping Jim and the others. Yet, with her antlers get in the way of everything, she wouldn't want to be in the way of Blinky and Aaarrrggh. So in the next three days she would decide whether she should live with them or not.

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