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It was sometime at night where Jim had silently gone into his basement to awake Draal from his slumber. Upon further inspection, Master Jim noticed that Fay was shivering inside Draal's cold hands. Carefully, Jim plucked Fay out of Draal's grasp and went back upstairs.

" I thought your body guard would be bigger?" Strickler asked as Jim quickly shushed him

" Draal is still down there asleep. It's too cold down there for Fay. She needs warmth, like a bed." Jim whispered to Strickler as he placed her in Strickler's hands, " Hold her will you?"

" Why do I have to hold her." Strickler complained as Fay snuggled into the palm of his hand

" Do you want me to call Draal up here?" Jim asked as he grabbed rope from the garage.

Strickler scoffed at his words and looked down at the small being. Smiling, he placed her down onto a couch pillow. He turned back around to find Jim with rope and a chair.

" What is this?" Strickler asked as he sat down in the chair

" Do you wanna be protected from Angor Rot?" Jim asked as he tied him to the chair, " Where is she?"

" Crushed at the weight of a careless troll, where do you think?" Strickler snarked as Jim raised his sword up to his face, "She's on the pillow, over there."

Jim lowered his sword as he picked up the small fairy. Carefully he laid down his sword and grabbed a heat pillow from the hallway closet.

" What do have there young atlas?" Strickler questioned as Jim placed the pillow into the microwave

" It's a pillow for Fay. She will sleep comfortable." Jim whispered as he set the timer

He noticed as he gently looked at her wing, had been fully healed. Jim smiled at the miracle and opened the microwave before it went off. Gently he placed Fay on the pillow and covered her with a tissue.

" There, all nice and snug." Jim whispered as he grabbed his sword and sat on the couch, waiting for Angor Rot to come

many hours later~

Fay woke up in a sweat as she quickly rolled off the heated pillow and tangled in the tissue. Jim had noticed her struggle as he got up and removed her from the tissue. Standing there, Fay looked around, confused to where she was until she recognized Master Jim.  She was just about to giggle in excitement but Jim had other plans as he quietly shushed her and held a sock in the direction of the snoring changeling.

Jim raised Stricklers head up with his sword and stuffed the sock in his face. Strickler immediately woke up and jumped away, in the chair, from the dirty sock.

" What is this?" Strickler asked as Fay chuckled at the moment

" Wakey, Wakey. We survived the night with no sign of Angor Rot. Congratulations. Thought I'd bring you some breakfast." Jim greeted as he flung the sock at his face, making Fay giggle even more

" I don't eat socks." Strickler scoffed, " And I don't appreciate being tied up. I asked you to protect me, not torture me."

  " And I said I'd keep you safe, not comfortable." Jim snapped back as he cut the rope

Fay fluttered to the window to see the birds and pretend to chirp with them. She looked back at the tension rising between changeling and Trollhunter. Fay whistled one note before Strickler got up from the chair.

" Well, the sun is up." Strickler said as Jim took off his amulet, " We'll have until sundown to get me as far away as possible."

Fay quietly left them and fluttered into the kitchen. She walked over to a faucet and turned one of the knobs.

" Fay?" Jim called as the water began to start

" Just rinsing off!" Fay yelled happily as she heard a thunk in the basement

She waited for the water to become like a waterfall before sliding down into the sink. There she stood in the middle of the stream where she pretended to be a rain dancer. She giggled at herself before stepping out of the stream. She shook off all the water but her wings were still too damp for her. Fay sat there in the sink as Master Jim talked with Strickler running away. She was so focused on their voices she didn't hear stone footsteps walk into the kitchen.

" Why trust this Changeling when all he does is betray you?" Draal's voice interrupted the previous conversation

" Because... because unfortunately, I have to." Jim answered, " Is this all the canned food we have?"

" You need more hmm?" Draal suggested, "We should chop him into little pieces and can him right now."

" Did you forget the binding spell?" Jim asked as Fay looked up to see Strickler looking back at her

" hi..." Fay gently spoke as he gently picked her up and dried her off

" Hello." Was all he said before returning to eat his cereal with her on his shoulder

" If we hurt him, we hurt my mother." Jim said as he and Draal turned back to look at a satisfied Strickler with Fay by on his shoulder

Draal's eyes widened as Fay waved at him and smiled. Draal was just about to grab her when Strickler got up and moved away from him. Torn between smashing him or tackling him, Draal continued the conversation.

" Say you do get him out of town. What's stopping Angor Rot from hunting him?" Draal asked as he crossed his arms

" I don't know, we disguise him." Jim answered simply

" Disguise? Angor is a cunning and ruthless assassin. You think he'll be fooled by a hat and a mustache?" Draal interrogated him as Jim looked in the fridge

" Then I guess we fight him. Far, far away from here." Master Jim stated

" I do not like this plan." Draal stated. " He could strike at any time, at any place. He would have the tactical advantage."

" I don't know okay? I don't have all the answers!" Jim snapped before apologizing, " Sorry, I know its not a well thought-out plan, but we have to leave."

Suddenly Jim's phone went off as Fay stood up on Strickler's shoulder. Quickly she tried to jump and fly but Strickler caught her in the nick of time. The changeling wandered over to the kitchen as Draal was distracted, eating Master Jim's food that was in his bag. Strickler set down his bowl of cereal.

" Nice arm. Did you get that at the toy store?" Strickler asked as he lightly hit Draal's metal arm

Draal whirled around to face him But Strickler was fast enough to raise Fay in front of him instead. She was currently combing through her hair with her hands as Draal was just about to yell at the changeling. Instead he snatched Fay away and growled at the changeling.

" Shh. Shh.!" Jim hushed them as he talked on the phone, " You're gonna be gone all weekend? Oh, sucks, mom."

Draal moved away and poked at Fay who greeted him with giggles. Quickly, Draal shushed her as he put his finger up to her mouth.

" Sure, sure. I can hold down the fort." Jim repeated before saying goodbye to his mom

" She'll be out of the house all weekend?" Strickler stated as he raised his eyebrows

" Yeah, the house will be empty." Jim stated as Draal stared at them in confusion

" Fine I have rocks for brains. Would someone tell me what's so obvious?" Draal scoffed as he placed Fay on his head

" We are gonna hold down the fort." Jim stated

" We survived one night. He's not going to survive the next." Strickler explained a little more

" Right. We fight here. Take back the tactical advantage. An ambush! Yes, I like it." Draal agreed once with the changeling

But we're gonna need supplies." Jim said as Fay did a happy dance on Draal's head.

trollhunters x OcOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora