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Some days later...

"I've spent nights poring of the legend of the stones." Blinky said as he cleared a space and placed a boom down, "decoding it's hidden meanings. Endless sleepless nights."

Fay fluttered to the table and rested on some books. She watched as Jim placed his bag on the table.

" The Triumbric Stones? You found something?" Jim asked

Fay perked up as a yellow and black eye rolled past her.

"At first, I combed every library for insights, but there is nothing written." Blinky said, " rumors say they are tied to Gunmar's life force. So I searched for stones that would have a significance to his past..."

Fay followed the eye into a skull. She watched with wonder as what the rest of it looked like.

" Birthstone." Aaarrrgghh interrupted Blinky and set books down near Fay

Fay dodged the clumsy troll with grace and climbed up his mane.

" Indeed. Such as Gunmar's Birthstone." Blinky agreed with Aaarrrgghh

" Why is it so powerful?" Jim asked

Fay laid down, in Aaarrrgghh's green fur, to listen to Blinky's story.

" Long ago, trolls lived underground, blissfully unaware of humankind above. Inevitably, our worlds collided. Trolls in humans each one of the world as their own and fought for it. Blood was shed, and our first hearthstone rotted from within. And from it, Gunmar was born." Blinky told the group a story

" Birththstone, OK. Where would we find that?" Jim asked

"Birthstone gone." Aaarrrgghh stated

" It was plundered before any good could come from it." Blinky said, " but then I remembered this passage. Three forces elemental thou must seek in marshland, caverns deep, and mountains peak. Ah, which is elusive, but the clue..."

" Riddle." Fay stated with a smile

" Is hidden in the final stanza, mountains peak, it's so obvious! The stone is hidden in a mountain." Claire interrupted, " sorry, I am a riddle dork."

" Yeah, I'm not getting it." Toby commented

" Gatto's keep!" Blinky said as he showed them the book, " deep in the realm of the volcanic trolls Is a vault of the greatest treasures untold. Treasures too powerful for the underworld to possess. Treasures kept locked up by Gatto himself. Treasures like-"

"The Birthstone!" Jim cut him off

" The missing eye!" Fay joined in

The two looked at each other in laughter before everything became serious again.

" So this Gatto has the stone that will help us get Enrique back?" Claire asked her question

" If I could just finish a thought..." Blinky complained

" When do we leave?" Claire asked

" Wait this sounds like a quest. This is a quest!" Toby cheered, " guys, we are going on our first official Trollhunters quest"

" Pack your bags, There's more to see in this world than you know." Blinky told them

" oh, my! Oh, my! Oh, my! Trollhunter Quest!" Toby exclaimed

As soon as the humans left, Fay hopped off of Aaarrrgghh's shoulder and onto Blinky's.

" May I come with?" Fay asked as she held onto his ear

"Absolutely not." Blinky quickly said, " you are the last fairy alive and we don't need to lose you in Gatto's keep."

Instead of speaking back to him, Fay nodded and walked away. She wasn't going to talk back to her new family.

She watched as Blinky collected the books he had set out and placed them back. She felt down that she couldn't go with. Almost like when she first met them. She still feared that no one would come back for her.

Fay sat on the edge of the table and swung her legs. She sat there for awhile until Aaarrrgghh came to investigate.

" Sad fairy?" He stated quietly

" No, I don't want to be alone when you guys leave." Fay said as she wiped away her tears

She didn't realize that she had been crying until she felt the water on her hand.

" Shh.." Aaarrrgghh put a finger up to his mouth and smiled, " Travel with wingman."


Fay looked up at him and smiled. She nodded with determination and set a foot to find Tobias.

She found him at the taco shop. It looked like he was ordering a lot of tacos. Fay quickly noticed that his backpack was open and took the chance to hide in it. She carefully slipped in one of the pockets and made herself at home. Until a giant taco bag made itself present. She pulled on a candy bar to get her leg out from underneath the bag.

" Hello taco bag, I remember you." Fay quietly said to the bag

It was a long silence of being squished and tossed around in the back pack. That and she was running out of air.

Fay climbed her way to the aligned metal pieces and started to pull on a big piece. She finally pulled on the piece to make a small hole for herself to fit through.

She stuck her head out only to get hot air. She looked around to find the cave walls were red and there were a lot of red rock structures.

' where in the world was she if this place is so hot.' She thought to herself as she pulled herself out of the back pack

She immediately saw Aaarrrgghh looking down at her with a smile. Fay tried to scramble back inside before a hand caught her.

" Fay?" She heard Claire's voice ask

She was so in trouble now. She knew she should of stayed home and listened to Blinky. But she didn't want to left alone, plus it seemed like the adventure was calling her name.

Once the hands opened, Fay came face to face with Master Jim. Everyone then crowded in around him. Her personal closure was diminishing real quick. The stare of Blinky and his silence terrified her down to her core. Fay slowly curled up, afraid that she might be punished for disobeying.

" My dear Fay, there is nothing to be afraid of." Blinky said quietly to her

She hadn't noticed that she was now in Blinky's hands. She looked up at him with sadness and curled around his thumb

" I just wanted to be with my new family." Fay stated as Blinky lifted her up to his shoulder

Fay hesitated but soon climbed onto his shoulder and sat down. She watched the group climbed many stairs of the rock formation.

Everyone stopped as soon as they got to the top.

" Okay, where's Gatto? They said he'd be here." Jim asked from the group

" Gatto's is a real butt snack." Toby complained

Immediately the rocks start shaking and a low rumbling starts.

" Who has awakened Gatto?" A deep voice echos throughout the large cavern


* if momma says no, go ask papa. 🤫

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