Chapter 7 - ONE BIG FAMILY

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Chapter 7


“ADRIANA…” while I was wondering around nowhere I heard someone calling me out and I turned around to see who it was. From far I saw a lady standing. But t was very blurry so I thought of walking ahead to see who it is

“Hey my beautiful!” She said as I walked closed to her. At one point the foggy view disappeared and I was able to see her clear. Its Stephan’s mother Anna. I have never spoken to her before and it's like a dream to talk to a very noble person like her. She was so real not like dead at all. She looks so beautiful, flawless and gorgeous with blond curly hair and pale white skin shinning to the sun light that’s falling on to her skin.

“You’re real…”I said

“No baby I am not... I’m just in your imagination” she added

“What? Nooo last time when you were in my imagination, I couldn’t talk or touch you. None of those people were able to see me”

“Well baby that was in your head... that’s when you recalled past events of your life that was blocked when I sent you away to foster care. And once you came back to your real home you were able to unlock them and recall them.  But now… I’m in your mind. Through the neck less that you’re wearing now, I was able to give you a secret message that I wanted to tell you or Stephan to save us all.

“What? This is so much to take in. slow down. You might not know but Stephan is gone! And so is Aunty Jessica! She’s is dead and I have no one in my side. What am I suppose to do alone. I don’t know how to use my powers like Stephan does. He is having pure abilities that has come from you ma'am.” I said confusingly

“Why only Stephan? You do too. You’re both mine… and unlike Stephan, you’re my pure elemental honey and you’re my baby daughter … why should Stephan who isn’t a pure elemental be stronger than you? May be he…” she tried to continue but I interrupted because there was something she said which didn’t really got registered in m head

“Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaa… wait! What did you just say?”


“I’m your daughter and something! Oh did I just hear things in my head”

“No no I said it but…….You didn’t know that…….. I am your mother?” she said confusingly and heart broken

“NO!!!!!!!!! Who says?” I was a mess trying to figure out what’s going on

“Adriana……. I saved you and Stephan when I knew things were turning into a treble mess in here. so I wanted you two to be safe and save your kind. Because I was unable to control this.”

“But it can’t be…. Omg I’m so confused”

Listen… Stephan was 1 year and few months when these magicians became a threat and you were only a month old. So I told Stephan what to do even tough he never understood what I was saying but I was only sticking to a hope that IF one day you’ll return back he will recall all and figure things out. So I sent him to his father… Riedinol he is a magician. “

“Yeah I know that part. Hats how I met him. In the school of magic. So I was that baby in the cradle?” I questioned

“Yes it was you… if you were not in that place you wouldn’t have had such visions... why didn’t you figure it out sooner? I thought you knew by now.”

“No I was having all these bits and pieces but now only I can put things together.”

“I saved both f you because you need each other to figure this out. He can’t ever do this spell because e is not pure. He is half magician and half elemental. But you can… I have given you all the powers. From that neck less. You’re strong. you have so much inside you. Now all you have to do is remember this spell it’s a spell hidden in the lullaby. If u un-jumble the letters in the spell you could have figured it out but since you don’t have enough time I’ll help you”

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