Chapter 2

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 ( Sorry this chapter isn't so good!)

I woke up around 9:00 this morning not wanting to get out of bed. I finally fought the urge to stay in my nest of blankets and went to take a shower. I put my hair into a high tight ponytail with winged eyeliner and mascara. My outfit choice was a highwasted pencil skirt with a flowy white tanktop and a black blazer. I wanted to look proffesinal today.


After a long day of looking for jobs and alot of no's, I walked into Starbucks and got hired on the spot for a barisa. It's not much but it will atleast pay for bills.


That night I decided to go out to a club. I took an extra long shower and thought about everything, and everyone. The water masked the tears that were streaming down my face as I thought about Sam. But all that all faded away when I thought of how selfish he was. I turned off the water angirly and new I needed to let off some steam. I teased my hair into the messy look and left the curls. Drew a dramatic cateye and some mascara. Then I put on a tight off the shoulder black dress with matching stilletos.


I walked into the club and thought I was going to have a seizure from all the flashing lights. I walk over to the bar and orderd myself a redbull and vodka. I drank about two more and felt really good and knew it was time to dance. I was dancing with my drink in my hand when some body bumped into me and spilled my drink all over me. I was pissed so I turned around to yell at the person and froze when I saw who it was. Adam Lambert was standing right infront of me! "I'm so sorry, I totally did not see you there." he said. I finally snapped out of my trance. "Oh no, you're totally fine I'm just trying to figure out if you're really who I think you are." I smiled. "I am who you think I am. Do you want to dance?" He smirked. I followed him back to the dance floor and started dancing with him. It didn't feel real. I felt him grinding into my back and I couldn't believe what was happening. I never would have let a total stranger dance like that with me but I let him. Not that I knew he was gay but because I knew from there on that we were going to be close.


After the song I turned to him and told him that I had to work tomorrow. He frowned and accepted. We exchanged numbers and he said he'll text me. We said our goodbyes and I headed to my car. I drove back to my hotel so excited and clusters of emotions. I wasn't able to sleep, I was nervous about starting my new job.But I finally drifted off thinking about my night.



1+ comments and I'll update:)


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