Chapter 3

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I woke up nervous for my first day of work. I went and had my morning shower letting the freezing cold water pour down on my aching muscles. "I can't believe I drove myself home last night." I thought to myself. I got out of the shower and got ready for my first day of work.

I got to work about 30 minutes early to get some breakfast. I ordered a reagular black coffee and a cinnamon bun. By the time I was finished it was time for my training. That's when I saw a stunningly beautiful girl about my age walk towards me with a smile on her face. "Hello, you must be Elaina." shesaid. "I'm Sarah." she smiled. I returned the smile and shook her hand. "Do you have any experience in being a barista?" she asked. "Um no, not really. This is actually my first job." I said nervously. "Oh, ok well it's actually pretty easy. You'll make really good tips here, especially from famous people." she smiled. We spent the next 2 hours going over how to run the cash register, take orders, and make the beverages. "So what famous actors have you seen in here?" I asked. "People like Johnny Depp, Robin Williams, Robert Downey Jr, etc." she said. "Robert Downey Jr?!" I gasped. "Yeah, but he's only been in here like once since I've been here." she sighed.

After I started getting the hang of everything I told Sarah I'd be able to handle everything while she took a break. It was pretty slow for the first 10 minutes when I heard the bell ring at the counter, I looked up and met his gaze. I was instantly hypnotized by the way his big brown eyes pierced into mine, the way he bit his lip when he saw me sent shivers down my spine. I saw his lips part to speak but I was too distracted by the way his lips formed his words. That's when I snapped out of my trance when I realized he was talking to me. "Are you stalking me?" He said with a smirk on his face. "Um technically I was at the airport first and I happen to work here, so the balls in your court here Mr. Downey." I said returning his smirk. He looked puzzled like he had nothing to say which was really odd giving the fact that he's one of the most sassiest people alive. "Touche." he simply said. He ordered what he wanted and went to one of the tables to get on his laptop. Out of the corner of my eye I would see him look over at me now and again. I went around to each table to check on everybody and see if they needed anything. I was walking past Robert's table when he asked, "So what brings you to California?"he looked up at me and smiled. "Sice I was a little girl I wanted to be a famous actress." I said. "Oh that's an extremely tough buisness to get into you know." I was studying his face and he seemed to be really interested in knowing me. "So I've heard." I smiled. "I have to get back to work now, but let me know if you need anything." I walked away with heartache not wanting our conversation to end.

I was in back when I heard Sarah start talking, "Hey Ellie, somebody left this for you." she handed me a note with my name on it.


Do you know I had to read your name tag to figure out your name? Anyway, heres the number to a great Agent I know, he helps people who are new here and trying to start their career. Alex Green ###-###-####


My eyes welded up with tears. He actually wanted to help me with my career. And I was so selfish I didn't even tell him my name I thought. The workday went by fast because all I thought about was our encounter.

I was on my way back to my hotel when I got a text from Adam.

Adam: Hey there, whatcha up to?

Me: Nothing, driving back to my hotel from work.

Adam: Texting and driving is dangerous you know lol

Me: You texting me while I'm driving is dangerous you know lol

Adam: Touche. Well anyway I found you a little house to rent in my neighborhood. I already put a down payment on it for you so now you have to move in it :)

Me: Oh, you didn't have to do that I don't have the money to pay you back yet.

Adam: It's fine, just pay me back when you can and I went by your hotel and saw alot of your stuff outside your door so I went ahead and brought it over here. I'll give you directions and you can go ahead and come over here.

I was in complete shock the whole way over there. I couldn't believe what he was doing for me and I've only known him for a day. I drove up to the cutest little house and saw him standing outside smiling at me. "I can not believe you did this for me!" I yelled pulling him into a hug. " It's fine really, I have more money than I know what to do with so it's fine. Don't feel like you owe me anything you can just pay me back a little at a time." he smiled. He lead me inside and showed me around. It was perfect and so me. I walked into a room with all my paintings and artwork and saw a brand new set sitting in the middle of the room." You are very talented Elaina." he smiled. "Why are you doing all of this for me?" my voice was shaking. " I may not know you but from looking at you I can tell that you have a story behind you." he said softly. " How did you know that?" I asked. "Because I can see stories in your paintings." And with that he left. He was right the only reason I got into college was from the secret bank account my grandpa kept for me. If my parents knew about it, I wouldn'tbe here right now. Nobody knows my story but I feel like he should know.


Ohhhhhh, what's her story going to be???? The suspense is killing you isn't it!!!

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