He Arranged What!?

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Mom was making dinner, looked like burgers and fries. Me, Joey, and Tyler were watching a sitcom on TV.

"Dinner will be ready in a few minutes, I just gotta put the fries in the oven."

Mom put the fries in the oven. Dennis walked in the house.

"Hello beautiful!"

Beautiful, not the way he pronounces it. He pronounces it bootiful.

He gave Mom a kiss and walked to us.

"Hi! How are you?"

"Watching TV," Joey said.

"Has Joseph been any trouble today?" Dennis asked Mom.

"Nope, he's been good."

"Good. Joseph, here."

He gave Joey some money.

"What's this for?" Joey asked.

"I want you to take Sandy out, just to get to know each other better."

"Good idea. They can get along better," Mom said.

What!? Going somewhere with Joey Bianchi!? Just me and him!? I don't think so!

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