The Father

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Logan looked at her. Did she know how much it hurt to see her happy with another man? Was she flaunting it on purpose? Whatever her motive, he decided it was working.

Logan's phone vibrated. It was his girlfriend. (insert your own ultrafamous celebrity. I don't want to exploit anybody.) The waitor came over and delivered their food. He was handsome enough and he ogled Alex like she was the last woman on the planet.

After an extra minute of the thirty year old Barrista standing at the corner of their table, Alex looked up at him.

"May I help you?" she asked politely, attempting to shoo him away.

"You're gorgeous." he breathed. Alex blushed. Logan glared at him. Lily gasped and giggled wildly. "I mean...can I  have your autograph Alexandra."

"Oh. Of course, and thank you." she signed the notepad he handed her. Alex smiled as she passed it back to him. Logan wanted to punch the guy for looking at her the way he was. Hungrily.

"Daddy!!!" Lily squealed. Standing on the seat and bouncing a little. "Daddy!" she tapped on the glass of the window, signalling to a burly man on the sidewalk outside. The blond man saw her and smiled motioning that he'd be in in a second.

Alex saw the look on Logan's face and apologised with her eyes. He smiled, understanding.

At that moment, Mr Muscles himself waltzed into the cafe and plopped onto the seat beside him.

"Hey sweetie." he blew a kiss in the direction of his daughter. Then he noticed Logan. His gaze switched between Logan and Alex momentarily before he accepted the fact they where in a cafe together for the first time in two years. He looked at Alex, making sure she was okay, and proceeded to converse with the pair of girls.

"Are you coming to dinner tonight, Ryan?" Alex asked. They where neighbours so they had 'happy family dinners' as often as they could.

"Yeah. What are we having?" he confirmed his undying hunger.

"Speg. Spag. Tea." Lily humphed, giving up on the big word.

"Spaghetti." Alex helped, smiling at her daughter.

"Uh huh." Lily nodded happily.

"Have you bought a ring yet?" Alex asked Ryan. Ring? As in engagement ring?

"Yes. I got the one you suggested." Ryan glanced at Logan who hadn't said a word since he had gotten there.

Lily gasped. "Are you going to marry Aunty Grace?"

"I hope to." he told her.

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