Ending 1

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This ending is on the depressing side, it does get happy but for a while its the opposite. Read the alternate ending if you don't like.


Logan had spent this time coasting between being with Alex and Lily (Ryan was also there but he wished he wasn't) and spending time with Dean. He passed all of his time wanting Alex. Wanting to kiss her goodnight, to tuck her daughter into bed and show how good a parent he would be. Most of all he wanted to take back all of the things he had done wrong and prove to her that he was, in fact, the one.

It was three weeks ago that he had first met Lily and he honestly felt like he had known her forever. Ryan saw the look in his eyes once when they where in the playground having a picnic with a couple of others and assured him that Lily was not his daughter. "Alex had a blood test to find out who the father was because she could have been yours according to the time span between -" he needn't continue his sentence, "Dude... she would have told you a long time ago if Lil was yours." he confirmed.

Logan wasn't dressing to impress today. He wore his usual jeans and T-shirt to set. He was seriously nervous about spending the next four months in close quarters with Alex, but at the same time he couldn't contain his joy.

He waltzed into the conference room they would be having their 'first day meeting.'

Jake, Brandon, Leven and most of the other cast members where there, all except for Alex. Alex had arranged for Ryan and Grace to take Lily to Disneyland for the first week of filming so that she wouldn't be distracted whilst memorising her lines, so when she didn't turn up before he did, Logan wasn't too surprised.

Another forty minutes of waiting for the woman who took pride in her punctuality was torture seeing as Jake, Brandon and Leven  were really protective of Alex and hadn't treated him the same after their break up.

Jake's phone rang. His ringtone blasting his wedding song, signalling that it was Allie, his wife, on the other side. "Hey. What's up, hon?" he asked. He paused, listening. "Baby, slow down. I didnt quite catch that." She repeated what she had said. His face fell. "I'll be there soon." He failed to excuse himself before rushing out the door.

Confused, everybody returned to their business, assuming Allie was calling about some strange craving she was experiencing due to her pregnancy.


Alex refused to believe what she was seeing. Not five minutes before she had been kissing her daughter goodbye and waving her off in a brand new red Ford. Two seconds later she had jumped in her blue Mazda and headed in the same direction to get to the set.

She watched from the driver's seat as they made it through the traffic lights, furthering the distance between them. Minutes later, when the lights turned green, Alex diverged from course to fill up on petrol, because, being the genious she was, she forgot to last time.

As she payed the cashier, sirens blarred in the not-too-far-away distance. Overlooking this sudden break in the peace of the traffic, Alex continued on her course until the next intersection where what she saw killed her.

In the centre of the road where two incredibly mangled cars. The black Jeep was infinately better looking than the compacted red Ford. Alex pulled over, recognising the number plate. She ran over, forgetting to lock her car. What she saw as she tred on the shattered glass made her throat constrict and she felt like she couldn't breathe.

(This may get graphic. If you're not up for it, don't read the bold paragraphs.)

As the ambulance workers pried open the crumpled doors, taking the frame with them, Alex finally caught a glimpse of her family. And she wish she didn't. Ryan's face was contorted by the brilliant red that replaced the tanned colour of his skin. His legs were folded beneath the dashboard and the officers struggled to pull them out.

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