That Night

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Once dinner was over, everybody insisted on staying behind to clean but Alex wouldn't let them. Not even Ryan who she usually made wash up.

After singing Lily to sleep Alex got started. Vigorously whipping down benches and drying utensils. When she was done, Alex plopped herself on her bed. Her head was still filled with thoughts of Logan.

As if somebody else was controlling her, Alex moved to the walk in wardrobe. She pulled out a shoe box with the word 'memories' written in cursive black marker on the side and on the lid.

Reclaiming her position on what should have been Logan's side of the bed, she opened the box. Inside was every photo she'd ever taken of him.

She pulled them out. Tears pouring from her eyes as she reminisced. She had known the minute he walked out the door after their break up that it had been a mistake, watching him leave again, without knowing how much she loved him still absolutely killed her inside.

Sifting through the photographs for the umpteenth time, Alex regretted her words. Regretted not apologising to him. Eventually she fell asleep clutching an image of them kissing beneath the Eiffel Tower.

It had been Logan's birthday week and they were already in London. Logan had dragged her onto a train and taken her to Paris. They had spent the day sightseeing and ended up beneath the Eiffel Tower late that evening. After taking too many photos of her having the time of her life, Logan had insisted on taking a selfie with her beneath the monumument.

Seconds before Logan had taken the shot, he connected his lips with hers. They knew they were in public so the kiss was neither passionate nor long. But when they broke away, both of them were grinning like the cheshere cat. Logan led them to a hotel he had booked and showed Alex the room.

She laughed at the way he was trying to impress her telling him 'you already have me, no need to continuously sweep me off my feet. I'm here for good.' she assured him. He had smirked at her, signalling he was up to no good, when she asked about sleeping in his shirt seeing as they didn't have their luggage.

"" Logan had chuckled, "We're in the city of love, I  don't want you in clothes tonight."

Alex had laughed, throwing her arms around his neck, pressing herself impossibly closer to him. "What exactly do you want me to do?" she had asked sexily. He showed her.


Logan was sitting in his apartment, alone again. Seeing Alex had rekindled a fire that had never really burnt out. He opened his drawer and shuffled his clothes around until he found one of his old shirts. One that smelled like Alex. He fell asleep on his couch, clutching the item of clothing to his chest. Suffocating in the intoxicating smell that was uniquely her.

Logandra Angst/Baby FicOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora