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PrinceCharming  joined the group chat.

PrinceCharming: I'm so bored!

PrinceCharming: I need attention!

PrinceCharming: Anybody? Hello!

PrinceCharming: …

PrinceCharming: Aahh! The dragon witch is too strong! I'm gonna die! Help!

Virgil joined the chat.

Virgil: So true…

PrinceCharming: I don't like you.

DadJoke joined the chat.

DadJoke: Now, now kiddos, no need for fighting.

Logan joined the chat.

Logan: Will you all please chill, I'm trying to learn my vocab cards. Bruh…

DadJoke:  Virgil always wore a hoodie cause he's always chill.

Logan: …

Virgil: Why must you make a pun out of me…

Roman: Make a man out if you!

Virgil: I'm manlier than you Sir Sings-alot

PrinceCharming: I still don't like you.

Logan:  If you want to fight with eachother, please do so in private. Not in a group chat, you romanscenturion!

PrinceCharming: …

DadJoke: …

Virgil: …

Logan: You know, like the, nevermind…

DadJoke: You know there are an infintesimal number of roasts that you can pick from.

Logan: You make one mistake and this is what happens!

Virgil: I thought fighting needs to be private.

PrinceCharming: Yes, I thought so too! I can't belive I'm agreeing with hot topic here!

DadJoke: Aww you both made up, that's so sweet!

PrinceCharming: No!

Virgil: No…

Logan: Patton, atoms are not sweet. At least not in the dessert form.

DadJoke: Don't trust atoms, they make up everything.

Logan: Ok Patton, chill with the puns.

DadJoke: But if I stop, it will feel like a PUNishment.

Logan: You know what? I am done! I am done with all of you.

Logan left the group chat.

DadJoke: Well I think I should go too, I smell something burning.

DadJoke left the group chat.

Virgil: So what did I learn today? Nothing…

Virgil left the group chat.

PrinceCharming: I need to kill a dragon witch to prove I'm manlier than Virgil.

PrinceCharming left the group chat.


Thomas joined the group

Thomas: *scrolls up*

Thomas: Welp, I got left out of the fun.

Did this in school while I have a headache. I'm proud of myself.

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