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Virgil joined the group chat.

Virgil: When you eat too much greens, you'll get kidney stones.…

Thomas joined the group chat.

Thomas: YES!

Logan joined the group chat.

Logan: Low in calories but high in vitamins, minerals and fiber, it is a versatile addition to a healthy diet. In rare cases, consuming excessive amounts of spinach can lead to kidney stones, issues with iron absorption and gastrointestinal difficulties. Maintaining a balanced, varied diet will help you avoid these problems.

Thomas: I can't believe my logical side has made me more happier. Now I can eat pizza without anyone complaining!

Virgil: Sadly, the more pizza you eat, the less pleasure that pizza will provide you.

Thomas: NO!!!!

PrinceCharming joined the group chat.

PrinceCharming: If we're talking about greens, green means go. So you should go away Virgil.

Virgil: Red means stop, so stop breathing.

DadJoke joined the group chat.

DadJoke: Now, now kiddos no need for fighting.

Logan: Certainly, we have already discussed this subject.

Virgil: Remember when I asked for your opinion?

Logan: No, I don't believe you did ask me that.

Virgil: Exactly.

PrinceCharming: Oooohhh you got roasted!

Logan: Roman you only annoy me when you're breathing really.

Virgil: ooohh, princey got roasted.

PrinceCharming: Please don't tell me you're going to homeschool your kids.

Logan: I do not have children.

DadJoke: Were you born in a highway? Because that is where most accidents happen.

PrinceCharming:  …

Thomas: …

Virgil: …

Logan: Why is everyone putting a period without a sentence, it is highly unnecessary.

DadJoke: Get it? Because cars keep getting hit!

Thomas: Poor Patton. I really want to tell him.

Roman: No don't do it Thomas, he will never be the same.

Virgil: ROASTED!

DadJoke: Did I do something wrong?

Logan: Patton, you have unknowingly roasted someone.

DadJoke: Oh no! Are they still alive?! I need to get water!

Thomas: No you don't need too! Roasting someone is just insulting them!

Virgil: Hehe you made it worse.…

DadJoke: What?! I'm so sorry!

PrinceCharming: As Logan said it, you  did it unknowingly, it's okay.

DadJoke: But I still did it!

Virgil: That was roast was pretty good, almost like a dad joke.

Thomas: Yes! It's a dad joke, you did nothing wrong!

DadJoke: Oh…

DadJoke: okie!

Logan: Please fix your spelling.

DadJoke: Okie dokie!

Logan: Ugh, I'm leaving.

Logan left the group chat.

DadJoke: Well, I'm gonna eat piazza!

DadJoke left the group chat.

Thomas: I need to make this into a video!

Thomas left the group chat.

PrinceCharming: Well I need to google more roasts.

Virgil: You always bring me so much joy.

PrinceCharming: aww thank you Virgil, I never knew you were this nice.

Virgil: -When you leave the room.

PrinceCharming: …

PrinceCharming: I don't like you.

PrinceCharming left the group chat.

Virgil: -and lived a happy life…

Virgil deleted his message.

Virgil left the group chat.

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