Chapter 1

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This will be set in 3rd pov remember that


y/n- Your Name 

c/n Crush's Name

bf/n - Best Friends Name

cbf/n Crush's best friend name

f/b - favorite band


Y/n knew she liked c/n. There was no Doubt about it. "Y/n! You're going to be late for school!" Her mom yelled. "Coming!" Y/n said as she ran out the door. On time, y/n got on her bike and headed to school with f/b blaring from her earphones. "Stupid time limit. Stupid alarm clock. Stupid Junior High." Y/n hated the fact it was her first year in Junior high. Nobody Liked it. Pedaling fast, y/n didn't see c/n in her path. "Holy crap c/n watch out!" C/n got out of the way with a shocked look. "Y/n? I thought you said you were changing schools?" C/n asked in confusion. "Yeah, But Horizon wouldn't accept me..." Y/n says chuckling. "Why? Because you're my A+ girl?" c/n says picking up y/n and twirling her around. "Race you!" y/n says pedeling her bike to the school. Within a second, her bike is on the rack, feet into the school. Y/n catches the eye of cbf/n, him asking where c/n is. "I may or may not  have beaten him to the school." y/n says in a matter-of-factly voice. C/n walks in, out of breath. "That was not fair." He says. "All sales are final." She says, taking off to advisory to see bf/n. "Why are you so out of breath y/n? Was it c/n?" She wiggles her eyebrows. y/n looks blankly at bf/n for a second then scrunches her face as if she bit into a lemon. "pfttt...No..." y/n says, obviously lying. "Yeah-"


Y/n was staying at school for tutoring, she was really bad in math. Waiting for her tutor, she saw c/n. "Hey y/n." "Hey." "What are you doing here?" c/n asks. "Oh, just waiting for my tutor." c/n smiles and takes y/n's hand in hers. "So, um y/n?" "Yeah?" "Shouldn't we wait for the tutor in the classroom?" "Yeah,we should." Little did y/n know, c/n was her tutor. "I'm really having problems with this one question." She said. "Here, I'll give you an example." c/n says. "There's these two people. And the one person has feelings for the other person. What should they do?" "Um? A kiss? But why does this have to-" c/n placed his lips on y/n's. "Because it takes two to tango." c/n says. "Will you be my girlfriend y/n?" he asks. "Yes~" Y/n cooed.

Word count: 409

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