Comic Con is Here

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To say that these two girls were always late was an understatement. Well maybe we should intro these two late girls.

First their is Lauren. She is a British voice actress who voice acts Tracer in the popular game Overwatch. She moved to America when she was 16 which is when she met her best friend Star. Lauren is also shy, Bisexual, and suffers from slight depression.

Now Star on the other hand was a popular YouTube gamer who acted somewhat social on her channel, but in reality is a huge introvert like Lauren. Star as well suffers from depression. 

Star and Lauren immediately clicked because Star saw that Lauren was slightly more confident than her. Also with Lauren being British was also pretty cool. Now back to the Comic Con rush.

This was Lauren's first year going to Comic Con to doing a panel. Sure she had done panels many before, but never at THE COMIC CON. Both girls had forgotten to pack so now they were both rushing.

"Star hurry up. We are going to miss our flight," Lauren's British accent rang out through their shared apartment which was decorated like nerd heaven.

Lauren soon saw her best friend running down the stairs in a mess, but yet some how packed. Lauren just laughed as she helped her shy best friend. 

"Hehe. Took you long enough. I thought I was going have to drag you off that damn computer. I bet you were watching Mark again," Lauren laughed as the two began to drive to the airport.

Star rolled her eyes at the brown haired girl,"Like I haven't had to drag you off your laptop because you were watching XQC or Danteh for to long and almost missed a flight."

All Lauren did in response was roll her eyes. The two had a little game to mock each others crushes. As soon as the girls got to the airport they had to run to their plane. Sitting down the two girls could now breath as the plane began to take off.

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