The Frog King

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Ten years ago if you would have told me I would be married to a king ruling our people side by side for the rest of eternity, I would have spit in your face and had you removed from the kingdom. After all I am a prince myself, can you see the dilemma? A Prince from a family of 5 brothers, becoming a Queen HA! At the time it would have seemed as the greatest insult one could have received. I never would have thought it would be the best thing to have ever happened to me in my life. I guess I owe it to my brothers for giving me this wonderful life, this beautiful family.

I was the youngest of my fathers children at 20 years, 6th in line to take the throne. With my father training the eldest to take his place, that left 4 to torment the runt of the family. I was passed the short gene from my mother, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I also received her looks. I remain the only one in the family with pale blonde almost white hair, full lips, and porcelain skin. She used to say I could out shine the sun. She had died 6 years before my story takes place. My brothers had concentrated their grief and taken up coddling me, being the only reminder of a great love we all lost. But it all grew too suffocating for me. Trapped in a palace stalked day in and day out. Someone always in the shadows making sure I don't choke on my milk or stub my toe.

One day I had enough, I was able to evade my brothers long enough to escape through the back door in the servants quarters. Anytime I could evade their grasp I took the chance to explore the dark forest that sits towards the north of our property. Each time venturing a little further into its depths. On this particular day I decided not to venture too far out, I had to make it back for dinner or my brothers, not to mention my father would have my head, ever the worry worts they are. Instead I decided to follow the edge of the trees further to the West. I had walked about 15 minutes along the trees before something caught my eye on the ground. I had spotted a half eaten fruit. Upon further inspection I deemed it to be a Lime. It was still ripe so that means that its fresh, the animal that had gotten it couldn't have gone far from the source.

I ventured past the first line of trees and came upon a magnificent Lime tree, Almost as tall as the South tower in our castle. And just off to the side of the tree sat a deep pond. Our mother used to make Lime pies with the servants in late fall. Its been ages since I've tasted the fruit. I scoured the ground looking for a recently fallen treasure. To my disappointment there was none and the trees branches too high to reach. Not willing to leave without the tart snack. I unsheathed my dagger and drew my arm back. Aiming for the lowest hanging fruit i flicked my wrist and sent the  blade flying. BUllSEYE! i struck the fruit dead center but had used too much force. It separated from its stem and dagger, fruit and all flew into the deep pond.

"NOOO!!! NOOO!!" I screamed and ran straight for the edge of the pond, the blade had landed at least 10 feet from the edge and looking at the depth two feet out I knew I wouldn't be able to reach the bottom. I couldn't get my brothers because for sure I would be locked in the castle for the rest of my life had they know how far i'd ventured away. The realization that I had lost the last gift from my mother I got, combined with the stress of evading those demons all day I finally lost it I sat down on the bank of the pond and cried till I had no more tears. 

"What ails you my prince? You cry so hard a weeping willow would look happy..." I shot up out of my seating position looking all around for the person the voice belonged to. The only thing in the vicinity was a... a

"A Toad, oh my god i must be going fucking crazy..."

"Not crazy, Just hysterical, I mean Clearly I'm a frog, a quite handsome one might i add."He states, puffing his chest out.

"Ok a cocky toad..."

"I am not a Chicken nor a toad, im a frooooooggggg!" he hops over into my lap and put his nose to mine.

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