7 ⛈ peterick

553 18 5

imagine: smut where patrick is tied to the bed all day and whoever his dom is, is punishing him and they agreed for the punishment to be inviting their other dom and sub friends to come use him as they please and throughout it the other subs take care of him and make sure he's okay between doms

"Do you remember when you said you wanted to wake up next to me every morning? That you wanted to kiss me and hold me and you couldn't wait until we wake up together and start our days together. Do you remember that?" Patrick asks softly, his baby blues meeting Pete's sharp ambers.

"Yeah," Pete whispers. "I'm sorry it hasn't been that way."

"It's alright, honest. I think it was for the best. I mean, now.. I've started my musical career on my own and I've got Elisa."

"Yeah. Elisa. She seems like a nice girl. What's she like?"

"Oh, she's positively lovely," Patrick beams. "I'm getting ready to propose to her. I've most of it planned out, and I think it's really going to be wonderful.." Patrick rambles on about the dark haired woman.

Pete nods along and replies where he should reply. He watches Patrick cheer up as he talks on, wishing Patrick was talking about him like that.

Eventually, Patrick stops talking, surprised at Pete just suddenly stood up and began walking away.

"Pete...?" he calls out softly.

Pete ignores him and continues walking, leaving the younger man sitting alone with his thoughts.

"Bye, Patrick," he whispers as he climbs in his own little car and starts heading to his own home, eager to just get away from Patrick and all the thoughts of what they could've been if they hadn't screwed it up.

He was eager to get home and settle in with Bear and Bowie, to get home and watch his favorite show. Eager to forget he ever loved Patrick.

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